Demolition Lovers

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Laying in hospital beds either side of each other, Frank reached out for the safety and security of Gerard's hands.
"Hey, Frank. Are you okay?" Gerard asked.
"Dumb question. But, i've got a headache and all of my limbs are agonising. Other than that, i'm terrific!" Frank said, sarcastically.
"No need to be like that." Gerard replied, slightly hurt by what Frank had just said.
"Sorry, dude. I guess i'm just... angry."
"With what?"
Frank looked into the eyes of Gerard, still gleaming like a gorgeous diamond despite having bloody scratches and throbbing bruises fading from a blackcurrant colour to a coffee colour. Pierced in the heart and lovestruck, Frank was mesmerised by glittery glow seeping from Gerard's personality. His hair cracked and messy, Frank simply couldn't stop himself from dreaming of running his fingers through the hair and pressing his lips against the rose chapstick upon Gerard's.
Suddenly, Lindsey hurried through the ward, cautious of tripping on her tartan-patterned skirt. She was in a flood of tears, like the entire ocean was corrupting her emotions.
"Gerard! Are you alright! I heard what happened, and I can't believe it!" she cried, planting soft kisses all over Gerard's face.
She turned around, to see Frank in a delicate yet motionless state; he couldn't even forge tears, laughter or jealousy. He just stared up at the ceiling, hoping for his heartbeat to stop.
"You. It was YOU. If you hadn't have stayed out of the van... my Gerard wouldn't be in pieces." she whimpered, edging towards Frank's bed harshly, her voice octave slowly rising.
"Linds..." Gerard began, he'd never seen his girlfriend in such a state.
"He didn't have to follow me. I went to get HIS artwork - the artwork he had been perfecting whilst on the road." Frank turned his head to face Lindsey and muffled the worlds, still without emotion.
She stepped back, and placed the finger she was angrily pointing at Frank with onto Gerard's face. She smiled at him, and he smiled back.
"Ugh," Frank sighed deeply, "life is pretty shit for me at the moment."
Lindsey took multiple deep breathes and forced a smile at Frank, she always aspired to be friendly like that.
"Well," she said, sitting down on the seat that was between Gerard and Frank's separated beds, "we're always here for you. I mean, you're Gerard's 'best fucking friend' which is no secret. God, he always talks about you!"
She turned to look at Gerard and smiled, a bonfire sparked in Frank's eyes as she spoke.
"Yeah! It's always, 'Frank did this hilarious thing...', 'Frank is great, Frank is amazing,' and, 'Frank, Frank, Frank..." laughed, Lindsey, her smile bright as a firework.
The three chuckled, although it hurt the guys to do so.
Lindsey planted a kiss on Gerard's forehead, and stepped back to speak."
"I'm off to find out from the nurse how you guys are coming along. Then, we can see when you'll be discharged."

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