Give 'Em Hell, Kid

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Her heart racing, she released there was just one thing left to do. She hurriedly rummaged through her bag, her face filled with anger and disgust; she began tossing random unwanted items in the search for her valuable. Finally, she whipped out what she was searching for.
It was shiny, rough. It shimmered in the light from the plain lampshade. She waved it around and caressed it for maximum effect. A crazy look in her eye, she slammed the door shut and quivered.
"A knife!" Gerard gasped, he had always seen Lindsey as a happy, sweet woman. Who knew she had this mean streak?

Lindsey tip-toed closer to the boys, who were slowly backing towards the window in the corner.
She grew closer and closer to the petrified guys, and ran the knife along her tongue.
"You're a psycho!" Frank cried, still scared.
"I'm a what, now?" she whispered, running the flat side of her knife along Frank's cheekbone.
"You are the one that slept with my fiancé, you dirty little bastard!" howled Lindsey.
Frank gulped.
Then, Lindsey turned to Gerard and glared her in the eye. He met the icy glare with an uneasy smile.
'Probably best not to get on her bad side, Gerard,' he thought.
"You. You told me you loved me. Little did I know, you were shaking up with your best friend. For two years. Two fucking years! I am outraged!" Lindsey yelled, her inflammation echoing throughout the room.
Lindsey stepped back, ferociously staring at Frank and Gerard. She placed her hands between them, and stepped forward where she reached the window to close the curtains. The floorboards creaked as she stomped back to her original place. What was left to do? Kill them both? Kill herself? She gleamed down at the knife as she made her final decision.

Dangerous Territory: Frank Iero & Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now