Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

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Love makes no fucking sense, Frank thought, can't your heart just see when love is painful, and just stop it? Can't it just understand that this love is slowly killing you, torturing you in it's dungeon of emotions. The feeling of being willing to give everything you have to someone, to then be rejected. Yet, the love doesn't just die out. It withers through your body and shudders uncontrollably when the one you love is near. It's bullshit; all bullshit. Fuck love! Fuck soul mates! Fuck falling in love! Just fuck it all! I'm only saying these things because I have found my soul mate, and I can't have him.

"Frank... Frank... Frank, buddy?" Gerard called, trying to wake Frank from his sleepy daze, "apparently the injuries are minor. We can go!"
"Honey, I've got to go back to work," Lindsey entered the ward and gave Gerard a soft kiss on his head; she couldn't cancel the Mindless Self Indulgence tour because of this. "Stay safe, my angel." she said, passing through the ward to get back on the road.
"The other guys are at the hotel, and we've canceled most of the tour dates. But we can reschedule, i know you hate not being able to play." Gerard said, tugging the curtain around his and Frank's beds so they could take their hospital gowns off and change.
Gerard removed the hospital gown, and moaned and groaned from his aching bones. Frank gulped.
What the fuck are you doing, stop staring at him!
He attempted to trail his eyes to another part of the ward; perhaps to the lady covered in warts or the man with a throbbing black eye. However, he simply could not resist the temptation.
Spider-Man boxer shorts! Classic Gerard.
He tried to stay looking at the face of Spider-Man poking from his thigh - but he just couldn't ignore the bulge.
Dangerous territory, Frank, dangerous territory.

Oh, so i'm also attracted to the way he sips coffee, too? Frank asked himself.
The pair decided to take a secluded walk through an unknown forest - fresh air and peace seemed magical to them. Night after night, a blazing, shrieking thunder of instruments. Night after night, a piercing headache that became so usual it was almost unnoticeable. A smooth, calm walk through the landscape was a dream come true. The birds chirped beautiful songs, songs of joy and happiness, songs certainly not found on the 'I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love' record, but found on the 'Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs' soundtrack. The leaves whistled and hummed guitar riffs in the wind, riffs of carefree days, riffs definitely not found on the 'Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge' record, but found from a guitar belonging to Sleeping Beauty. The feeling of security and safety that surrounded them in the forest was clear to sense.
"This is so punk rock!" Frank giggled, interrupting the tranquility of the nature around them.
Gerard laughed at the remark and took another sip of his coffee.
Surpassing a river, they stopped dead and watched the water float by like a cloud guarding the moon. It was stunning, but not as stunning as Gerard was in the eyes of Frank.
"You know,"Gerard began, "in autumn this river probably floods. Dangerous for the people living around here."
"It's lucky, living in the city. We only have to worry about flooding when a bunch of jerks block the drains with their litter. The garbage people gotta fish that shit out before it causes chaos." Frank stated, looking at the colourful leaves spread across the ground as he spoke.
"Too right. I hate those jerks. Just puts everyone in danger. How could you live with yourself after doing that?" Gerard said, and Frank shrugged his shoulders in agreement.
They came to a bench, situated underneath a cooling tree that kept the scorching sun away. They sat down and sipped their coffees, admiring the wilderness around them.
"Thank God for this tree here," Gerard started, pointing to the branch blocking the orange Demon of the sun, "because i burn like a bitch!"

Dangerous Territory: Frank Iero & Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now