The Only Hope For Me Is You

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Marriage? Marriage? Are you taking this piss!? Frank thought. What an idiotic idea. They haven't even been dating long, and, well, me and Gerard are made for each other! Aren't we? I always thought we'd end up together because I always assumed love always wins. True love defeats all, true love conquers... whatever type of 'love' it is that curses Gerard and Lindsey. When Gerard and I are together, the world is okay; for me it is, anyway. There is just this sudden hope in the world not actually being a pile of shit when we're together. He's everything I need, and I truly do believe he feels the same way, but its like he's attached to Lindsey, he simply can't get away from her. Now, he'll be legally attached to her. So obviously he doesn't love me the way I love him. Maybe he doesn't need me, maybe he doesn't long for me how I long for him. What if he is what will keep me going? What if one day, he leaves us all to be with her, and what if I can't move on? He's my forever, and I was his. But now she's his forever, yet he's still mine and theres nothing I can do about it. Sometimes I think about dying, sometimes I actually crave it. Dramatic, huh? But if you've ever been in love the way I have, you'll agree that its completely drastic. Those depressive thoughts are what come with this heartbreak. Sadly, it grows in your brain and not even surgery could remove it. Sometimes I just want to slit my throat the same amount of times my heart has been sliced, the same amount of times Gerard has referred to me as his "bud" or called me "dude" instead of referring to me as his "boyfriend" or called me "babe". In an ideal world, it'd go like that. I'm crying just thinking about it. Waking up next to his fluttering eyelids and his gorgeous smile. Lounging in the arms of the man that has me lovestruck. Living in the heart of the man that keeps me breathing, he is my protector, my key to survival. And soon that will be taken away from me. Please don't marry Lindsey, Gerard, marry me.

Dangerous Territory: Frank Iero & Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now