Jungkook| Nagging

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Description: You and Jungkook attend the same martial arts school. Because he is a black belt and you are a lower rank than him, you are forced to undergo his constant nagging and nitpicking. What happens when you've finally had enough?

(Y/N)= Your Name
Just in case you didn't know :)


You clenched your jaw and bit your tongue in order to stop yourself from snapping at the boy in front of you, knowing it would get you into trouble.

You attend a school for Taekwondo and take it very seriously, not only taking four classes a week but also practicing very thoroughly at home in order to better yourself. You were currently a red belt, meaning you were only a few belts off until the color wrapped around your waist would be black, a symbol of mastership of the martial art. You yearned for it entirely.

You had been so eager to reach the higher rank that you had worked hard enough to even skip a belt, earning awe from the other black belts and students. Well, all except one.

Jeon Jungkook was the insufferable black belted teen boy with brown eyes and a know-it-all attitude. You were the same age, yet he was higher ranking in belt standards. Because of this, he found great pleasure in what you could only assume to be him looking down on you.

He tended to aid the masters in running your class, only using it as a warm up before he went to the V.I.P special black-belt only class, only permitted to those invited by the masters or those sporting the black color themselves.

When you first met him upon entering as a white belt three years ago, you admittedly thought he was strikingly good looking, melting when glancing at his soft eyes and strong jaw, feeling weak in the knees seeing him give demonstrations of kicks. The momentary crush was cut off very quickly when he walked closer, looked you up and down and gave you a sneer before walking off, not bothering to say anything. You hadn't been on good terms since.

"Higher (Y/N),"

"Faster (Y/N)," (Everyone in the comments section needs to CHILL.)

"What are you doing (Y/N)?!?"

"Turn your foot (Y/N),"

"How about you listen next time, huh (Y/N)?"

"Great job everyone, except (Y/N). Maybe you should work on it a little harder at home huh?"

He nagged you constantly, as if he was your father or something. You hated feeling his eyes burn into the back of your head throughout the entirety of every class. Even when the master nodded to you as a sign that you were performing an action correctly, Jungkook would still follow suit and make you move your foot a centimeter to the left or tell you to turn your head more. He enjoyed it, and you could tell. It took everything in your power to not snap at him, because you knew the moment you did, it would lead to punishment from the masters, and you did NOT want that. As aggravating as Jungkook was, you were still forced to respect him due to his higher rank, and you absolutely hated it.

The best part of class was right after when you weren't forced to respect him. He would shoulder past you, whispering, "Shortie," harshly in your ear when reaching to get his water bottle.

"Immature idiot," you would snap back, causing him to simply roll his eyes while tilting his head back to sip the bottle. You often heard the other girls in the class sigh dreamily everytime he passed by, but you honestly only wanted to shove him down a flight of stairs.

That specific day Jungkook had seriously made you want to wring his neck.

You had been performing your series of kicks and strikes almost flawlessly when he had stopped you with a frown. You paused mid movement in an uncomfortable position, sweat rolling down your forehead as you waited for him to nag you about something.

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