Jimin| Distraction

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Description: You and Jimin are seat mates in math class and pretty good friends. Jimin though gets shy easily and you find it fun to tease/irritate him, much to his discomfort. You normally just joke around, but when Jimin asks you to stop distracting him in class one day and you don't, he promises to give you a taste of your own medicine.

(Y/N)= Your Name
(L/N)= Last Name

Author's Note: Like I said I was on my trip this week but I still managed an update! It's short and sweet so I hope you like it. REALLY SWEET... Bwahahahahasodjsd. Enjoy. ;)


“Hello Jimin,” You greated happily, taking your usual seat next to the cute boy and smiling widely upon stepping into his presence.

He returned your smile with a grin; his eyes crinkling while inviting you to join him for your daily math class, a.k.a to burn in the fires of boredom. He was just so cute, you couldn’t help but mentally gush over him. The two of you had no romantic relations at all, but you still sometimes admittedly flirted with him. It was in a friendly way though due to the fact that he obviously would never take it seriously or have any feelings towards you.

“How was your other classes today?” Jimin asked, propping his face on his hand while watching you sit down.

“They were pretty good. How about yours?”

“Same. Although I’m worried about this class honestly. It’s so hard and I want to get a good grade.”

“I feel that,” You spoke, poking his nose slightly with the end of your eraser before turning to open your book. Jimin quickly turned his head to the side to hide his red face so you couldn’t see.

He was secretly smitten with you and did his best to hide it out of shyness. Your touch and sweet words drove him practically crazy, and the real reason he found math class difficult was because you were just so… distracting. Jimin couldn’t concentrate on his studies to save his life whenever you would sit close to him, allowing the faint scent of you to dance on his senses. You even sometimes irritated him, especially when you seemed to somehow know you were effecting him and yet continued to bug the poor boy.

You didn’t think you were effecting him, you just thought it was cute when he got shy. So most days you would do slight things to tease him like poke his cheek, hook your arm around his, or gently play with the ends of his hair, cooing pet names into his ears.

That day though, after looking at his current grade and wanting a better one, Jimin was convinced he wouldn’t let you bother him and he would focus. Too bad his plan had already failed when it seemed to him you looked extra pretty that day and he had already turned red upon a simple touch from your pencil.

Frustration racked his brain as he frowned slightly, the bell signaling the beginning of class echoing behind his thoughts.

“Get it together,” He quietly ushered himself, “Don’t focus on (Y/N), focus on math.”

“What was that honey?” You asked upon hearing Jimin’s muttering, not able to make out what he said. He quickly denied your claims stating that he hadn’t said anything of importance, only going slightly weak in the knees after you called him honey.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Let’s just focus on class now, alright?”

You sighed and turned back to your book, perking your head up as the teacher started his lecture. The white chalk slowly scraped on the green board, leaving marks and raining dust as it traced and became math problems. Super boring math problems.

It wasn’t that you disliked math, but you found it quite dull at times especially due to the fact that your math teacher taught in such a dull way. His voice deadpanned the lesson and assignment, causing your heart to sink in disappointment.

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