{HYBRID} Jungkook| Bond

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Description: Hybrid Jungkook is apart of the only hybrid martial arts club that exists. You save him after he gets harassed by human competitors during one of the tournaments and he ends up falling for you... hard. After finding out that he began bonding with you, he becomes determined to do whatever it takes to impress you and get you to see that the two of you have a special connection... even if you're a different species.

(Y/N)= Your Name

(L/N)= Last Name

Authors Note: This one's a little less serious than the last; mostly supposed to be cute, but idk I feel like it might be cringey? Lol you tell me I guess. Every hybrid scenario will all be set in the same AU but will be very different. I don't want to bore anyone with similar scenario's over and over again. Thanks for your support on my new AU so far! I hope you like them!


def. BONDING: In which bunnies develop an unbreakable bond with each other and become mates for life.

def. CHINNING: In which a bunny rubs it's chin against something or someone to claim as theirs~

Jungkook bashfully handed his sparring helmet to Master (L/N) after waiting in line behind a dog hybrid; nervously fiddling with the straps of the protective head piece. Although the situation was embarrassing, his teacher had been very patient and understanding with the hybrids on the team, and for that, Jungkook was thankful.

"Alright, show me where," Master (L/N) spoke, motioning towards Jungkook's helmet.

The issue was the fact that the brand new helmets Jungkook's master had just purchased would not fit over the ears of the students.

Jungkook blushed a little. He had tried his best to fit his ears within the red sparring helmet, but his were even larger than most of the other hybrids in the club so there was no way he could possibly cram them in.

"Um, about here?" Jungkook finally spoke, motioning towards two areas on the top. Master (L/N) brought out his knife, and after looking at his rabbit ears for a moment, estimated the size he would need to cut out before digging his knife into the protected padding of the helmet.

Jungkook watched in awe as he worked holes into the top and then placed it back on his head. He helped him pull his ears through before taking a step back and inspecting the newly furnished helmet for the hybrid.

"Well? How is it?" His master questioned, looking him up and down.

Jungkook's ears felt stable and comfortable now as they were able to freely move about through the holes on top of the helmet.

"It's good sir. Thank you so much," He spoke thankfully, bowing respectfully to his master.

He kindly smiled at the bunny hybrid and bowed back before working on the next helmet for a cat hybrid.

Jungkook was quite fond of his master who, although he was human, treated his hybrid students with the same amount of respect as any other students he'd ever had. In fact, he was the ONLY master who had a club for hybrids in Jungkook's area... or probably anywhere. Because of this, he was Jungkook's role model and someone he looked up to. Without him, he never could have pursued his passion for Martial Arts due to the fact that every other club he knew of would most likely refuse to let him in.

After getting his helmet situated, Jungkook went to join the other students whose helmets were already 'customized'.

One of his friends suddenly elbowed him slightly; his dog ears perking up as he quickly tried to capture his attention. Jungkook turned to see what he wanted, his own ears twitching under the jab he had registered to his arm.

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