Suga| Burnt

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Description: Min Yoongi is your very introverted friend who refuses to go out and do anything with you. Whenever you ask him to hang out anywhere besides the comfort of his apartment, he always manages to come up with some excuse. You misunderstand and like any other in your place think that he no longer wants to have anything to do with you. When you want to go to the beach and he refuses once again, you decide to use a different motivator: jealousy.

Author’s Note: Just a nice scenario to welcome summer! Also, I’m going back to edit the first two chapters because I hate the point of view I wrote them in and… I don’t know they just feel lacking to me when I look back. I want my book to have a good first impression for new readers! Alsooooo… 10K READS GUYS!!! WOOOO!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVES! Also THE COMEBACK IS SO CLOSE LIKE HDIAFGIDFYGASIF

(Y/N)= Your Name


“YES BOY!” You screeched upon hearing your friend’s latest track, “KILL IT!”

“Stop screaming,” He demanded quickly, holding a hand to your mouth to silence your cries of exuberance, looking around as if to make sure no one else heard you even though the two of you were alone in his apartment. His hand was cold and slightly clammy, making you wince slightly.

“Eww,” your muffled voice spoke through his fingers, “So sweaty.”

He quickly released you and wiped his hand on his jacket, glaring at you for pointing out one of the side effects that occurred from his anxiety.

“Oh my gosh it’s so lit though,” You told him with a wide smile after he finally removed his hand, “I can’t help it!”

“Well…” He quickly took your headphones off to put back on his studio desk, “I’m glad you liked it and all, but I’d be happier if you expressed it in a way that didn’t make my eardrums explode.”

You ignored him and sat in his chair, spinning around while humming the beat of Yoongi’s new song. You felt relieved to know that he actually had a valid excuse for ignoring you. You had asked him if he wanted to get lunch over three times in the last two weeks but he had refused due to working on this song. Admittedly, you had begun to not believe him and had demanded to hear it. Thank goodness it actually existed or you would have had to beat him.

“Well it sounds like the song is done right?” You questioned, watching him sit it the other chair that was close to his laptop.

“I guess,” He said with a shrug while fiddling with some music editing software.

“Soooo…” you paused, wondering if you should ask what you wanted to, “Do you want to hang out? Now that you aren’t so busy?” As you watched him to see how he would react, you bit your tongue slightly and crossed your fingers.

Yoongi stopped typing for a second, indicating that he had heard you. You noticed him stiffen slightly.

“Sure. What do you want to watch?” He quickly answered, brushing off the true meaning of your questioning. You rolled your eyes.

“No Yoongi. I don’t mean watching something here alone in the dark like vampires. I mean go out and do something like normal people. How about going to the actual movies?”

“Maybe I am a vampire?” Yoongi countered, ignoring you again with his back facing you and keeping his usual monotone voice in check regardless of his joking.

“Stay on topic Min Yoongi. And I know you aren’t a vampire because I’ve tested you to see…” You admitted shyly, trailing off when you realized you had admitted to previous actions.

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