Jin| Aware

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Description: Jin is your cousin's friend who loves to hang out with the both of you as a trio. Jin becomes fascinated by your insecurities after getting closer to you and always tries to push you out of your comfort zone. Little does he know, you are going through eating disorders and when you fail to show up one day entirely, Jin goes to your apartment only to find out your secret and promises he will do everything in his power to make you aware that you are beautiful despite what you think.

Author's note: This chapter deals with discussions and topics regarding eating disorders, and I know that not all readers have experienced this so I wanted to give a warning. I have never spoke online about this before but I have had multiple eating disorders and am still battling them at times. I won't go super into this now, but it is honestly one of the reasons I got into BTS in the first place, so bear with me as this chapter will still be fluffy but might hit very close to home for me. I love you guys, also, thank you for 15k here and almost 500 reads on 'Translate'! It means a lot. :)

(Y/N)= Your Name

(L/N)= Last Name

(F/F)= Favorite Food

P.S. Your cousin is Yoongi lol.


"Where's (Y/N)?" Jin asked the second your cousin entered the cafe alone. He rolled his eyes and scoffed at Jin's immediate words towards your absence.

"She'll be here soon, she had to go get something for her mom. Can you calm down? Oh, and hi by the way," Yoongi spoke sarcastically. Jin smiled smugly to mask the slight bit of guilt he had for not saying hi to his friend.

"Hi, sorry. I just think it's really fun when all of us hang out together and stuff, should I call her maybe to see when she'll get here?"

Yoongi sat down among the smells of the freshly ground coffee beans and eyed Jin, he in turn feeling a little anxious under the younger ones gaze.

"You know you really met her only a few months ago right? And we only go out together like once a week so..."

"Hey, I think she's cool."

"You flirt with her! I'm not stupid."

Jin was almost never nervous, but his pale friend accusing him of having a sort of school boy crush on you made him shuffle in his seat. How did he find out anyway?

"I have a flirty personality." At least this was true. Of course, he did flirt with you way more than any other girl he had ever encountered.

Yoongi interlaced his fingers and leaned forward so that Jin could clearly hear his next words. The chair legs squeaked as he did so, the sound causing Jin to grip the handle of his coffee mug tighter.

"You are so whipped."

"What! I am not," Jin protested angrily, crossing his arms in defiance as his ears turned red.

Your cousin looked at him skeptically.

"Oh yeah?"


"Hey guys," you spoke up suddenly, walking into the cafe and interrupting their conversation, the bell tinkling on the glass door and Jin and Yoongi both attempting to act casual upon your abrupt entrance.

"(Y/N)!" Jin spoke in excitement, standing up quickly to pull out your chair for you while giving you a dazzling grin.

You were used to such behavior from the flirty male so decided to just roll your eyes and accept his offering of the chair, knowing he would keep bugging you if you sat anywhere else. Your acceptance made Jin's smile brighter.

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