Jin| Match

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Description: You are a senior in high school who has never dated. Jin is a freshman in university who's apparently an 'expert' in all things in the love department. Your friends constantly try to convince you to get a boyfriend, and so, after finding an advertisement for a match maker on the street and feeling left out and desperate, you go. This is how the two of you meet. Things go smoothly at first, but everything begins crumbling when Jin eventually finds he can't properly do his job any longer. What happens when your matchmaker falls for you?

(Y/N)= Your Name
(L/N)= Last Name
(F/C)= Favorite Color

Author's note: Here's the update! Unfortunately, next week, I'll be on the Senior trip so I don't really know how much writing I'll get in. Regardless just trust that I'll do my best! Here's a 10,000 word chapter to make up for it lol. I'm about to break Wattpad up in there.

“Seriously (Y/N). You can’t get mad at us for being busy tonight with our boyfriends! You should just get one yourself!” Your best friend proclaimed over the small fit you threw when you figured out you were being abandoned once more.

Sighing and rolling your eyes, you bit the inside of your cheek.

“No guy has ever asked me out and frankly, I don’t want a boyfriend. They sound like a lot of work,” You whined slightly, frowning at your friends remark. They knew this was a sensitive subject for you.

Honestly you were confused about what you wanted. You had never dated. Not even once. And although you told your friends otherwise, you still couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy and slight longing when you saw them smiling and holding their boyfriends hands. Human contact is craved by everyone; but it was something you didn’t get to experience often, and even then, it was the touch of a parent or friend; not the loving touch of a boy.

A boy that stroked your hair and cheeks, ran his fingers across your knuckles and gave you sweet kisses on your skin. You quickly shook your head to clear such hormone induced thoughts. Who needs a boyfriend? You sure didn’t. Single life!!!

More like hermit life.

Your friends would all go on dates and you would stay alone in your cave-like room; curled in the blankets like a burrito while binge watching shows. (Lol me.) It had happened before, but such occurrences now seemed to become more frequent.

“No one has asked you out because you say things like that!” Your friend spoke, pointing to you accusingly, “A guy would never be able to build up the courage to ask out a girl who says she doesn’t even want a boyfriend!”

You crossed your arms in defiance.

“Are you a love expert?”

They all looked down to the ground, unable to come up with a response. You suddenly felt guilty for giving them grief and faked a wide smile.

“I’m sorry guys, don’t mind me. I need some alone time anyway,” You lied, “I hope you all have fun tonight!”

They all sighed in relief that you weren’t upset and hugged you giddily while you prepared for yet another lonely night.

Grabbing your backpack, you shoved the things you needed inside and began your usual trek home.

Isn’t life funny, the way it seems to know your inner thoughts and phobias and just continuously rubs it is your face? As you walked under the clear blue sky and fluffy clouds, it seemed as if all around you were loving couples holding hands, having picnics, riding bikes, and even laughing together while skipping down the street.

You looked at yourself in the store window and felt a small pang of sadness. You didn’t have a whole lot of confidence and walked in this manner. You seemed to hide behind your hair, ashamed and shy of judgment. You didn’t think you were all that pretty compared to other girls. Maybe…  this was why no one had ever asked you out?

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