J-Hope| Scared

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Description: You and Hoseok are both employees at the Super Zone amusement park. You work the big rides and roller coasters while he works the kid rides. After meeting him at an employee free pass day, the two of you spend an evening together and you find that Hoseok has a very severe phobia of roller coasters and rides in general. That however won't stop him from doing whatever it takes to grab your attention and get you to see him in the same way he secretly has seen you for longer than you think.

Authors Note: Sometimes I get inspired from unlikely places~ while I was at an amusement park earlier this summer, later in the day (when no one was there) I ended up having a conversation with one of the workers who told me she was afraid of roller coasters but was dating a guy who worked them while she ran the kid rides. It was honestly a really cute story and I was like "Can I please use that?" Thus this chapter was born and I've been super excited to write it. I hope you guys like it! <3 

Also... I hate roller coasters lol. Do you guys like them or no?

(Y/N)= Your Name

(L/N)= Last Name

(F/N)= Friend's Name

(F/B/N)= Friend's Boyfriend Name


"Oh my gosh you have no idea how excited I am!" You expressed to your friend as you piled into her car; about to go to the amusement park without any employee gear. "I'm so used to working the rides. Now we get the whole park to ourselves!"  

"I know! Isn't it great! Finally we can feel like the people we serve! I'm looking forward to the roller coasters the most," (F/N) replied, beaming as you shut the door and you both took off down the road. You could only nod in response, your mind already busy conjuring all the fun times you were sure to have that evening. 

It had been a couple long and hot weeks. As employee's of the Super Zone Amusement Park you had all done exceptionally well and had been taken notice by your management. As a reward for all the hard work, the company had decided to host an evening where the employees could have the park to themselves. They would feed you dinner also and allow everyone access until midnight.  

The only thing you were a little worried about was the fact that (F/N) had just gotten a boyfriend who also worked at the park, and you wondered if you might be the third wheel. Your configuration was seen to be exactly as expected when she pulled up to another house suddenly.

"I hope you don't mind but I told (F/B/N) that I would pick him up too. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you," she spoke hesitantly, looking at you in worry.

"It's fine," you assured quickly, wanting to let the new couple be close to each other so moving to the back seat. He approached the car and climbed in; smiling widely at your friend and politely saying hello to you.

The two quickly exchanged sweet words that made you gag a little and she took off again, soon arriving to the amusement park and your excitement rising again as you saw the very familiar forms of the roller coasters illuminated against the sky.

You all gathered your necessities in your backpack and began walking towards the entrance; the couple holding hands on the way in. You thought it was sweet and had seen it coming, but you hoped you wouldn't be left alone. It was alright though because you did still have other friends that would be there so you could go hang out with someone else if they wanted to be alone.


Hoseok nervously bit his lip as his best friends Yoongi and Jin pushed him inside the entrance to the amusement park.

"Come on Hobi!" Jin pleaded, "We know you're scared but FREE FOOD! FREE! Plus they pay for the rides too, but still! Free food!"

Jin and Yoongi worked in the concession stand and gift shop of the park and were pretty enthusiastic about the free night of fun for employees. 

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