3. Bailey & John.

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POV Cleopatra.

Awkward silence surrounded us during lunch. I glanced at Kiki and saw that she was fidgeting her fingers. Apparently Bailey got a boyfriend, John. The same guy that Achilles suffocated not long ago. The two of them weren't talking, they were just holding hands while the other hand was holding their phone.

"You'll never guess what happened in biology!" Kiki suddenly said, turning to me. I mentally thanked her for saving us from the silence. "Adonis was staring at me! All the time!" She squealed.

"About that, you need to stop staring at him." I told her.

"Why should she?" Bailey interfered. Why does she intervene in our conversation? Can't she create her own with her boyfriend?

"Because I said so." I replied. "Will you stop staring at Adonis?" I turned to Kiki.

"If you tell me why." She compromised.

"He knows you stare and he doesn't like it." I answered.

"How would you know?" Bailey squinted her eyes at me.

"She's closer to them than you think." John commented, glaring at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kiki asked.

"You didn't tell them?" John asked.

"I'll do it now, if you insist." I glared back. "I mentioned that Achilles was my seatmate in biology and I think you can consider us friends now. But a two days ago when the bell rang, I wanted walk out the door. Someone," I looked at John. "Pushed me. Luckily Achilles was behind me and he steadied me before walking out. He pushed the person to the wall by the throat and told him not to do that to a woman."

"Awe, he protected you." Kiki squealed. "Who was the one that pushed you?" She asked and I nodded my head to John.

"You made Achilles choke my boyfriend?!" Bailey screeched as she stood up. "What kind of jealous bîtch does that?!"

"Bailey, calm down." I stood up as well. "Achilles did that all by himself because your boyfriend pushed me. He was just mad that John was so aggressive towards a woman."

"Okay." She said. "I'm calm." She sat back down. I did the same and Kiki gave me a weird look.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I stood up again and grabbed my bag.

"I'm coming with you. I have to put on new lipstick." Kiki grabbed her bag as well. We walked to the ladies room together and when we got inside she started talking. "That was fûcking weird and awkward."

"I know! I wasn't even aware that they were talking at all." I frowned as I got in a stall to do my business.

"I knew they were texting but only for a week. They haven't even been on a date or something." She said confused. I flushed the toilet and got out.

"Do you think boys keep talking as well even though one of them is in the bathroom?" I questioned. "Or is it something only girls do?"

"I'm not sure." She said thoughtfully before puckering her lips.

"Did you see how mad she got when I told you about Achilles?" I washed my hands. "They weren't even dating yet and it wasn't my fault. Achilles did that on his own because John roughly pushed me."

"Yeah! I think it is adorable that Achilles protected you." She squealed. "But she got so mad. It's not like you could help it and she is acting all stuck up about it." She rolled her eyes. "But I'm so jealous! You get to hang with one of the Godly three!"

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