27. Reunion.

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"Are you sure?" I asked as Cleopatra paced in the living room


"One hundred percent?" I asked again.


"Should we delay it?" I stepped infront of her, stopping her pacing.

"Maybe." She stepped around me.

"Do you want to?"

"A little." She nodded.

"Cleopatra." I held her shoulders, keeping her in place. "What are you afraid of?"

"A lot of things." She answered and I tilted my head slightly to the side. "That they're mad at me for leaving. Mad for taking their family away. That they won't accept my kids. That they're mad at me for hurting you." She whispered the last part.

"Babygirl, they're going to love the twins because they love you too." I pulled her into my chest. "You have nothing to worry about."

"But-" She got cut off by the doorbell ringing. I gave her an assuring nod as we went to open it. She took a deep breath before pulling open the door, revealing my family. "I can't do it." Cleo mumbled as she ran up the stairs.

"Come on in." I opened the door wider. "I'll just go and get her." I said as they all entered. I walked up the stairs and into Cleo's room. "Little lion, come on out." I whispered as I sat on her bed. She didn't reply so I just went to look for.

She wasn't in the bathroom, closet or underneath the bed. I sighed and then noticed that the balcony door was opened a tiny bit. I grinned in victory and went out there. "What's wrong?" I asked, kneeling beside her small frame as she sat on the floor.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't do it." She shook her head.

"I told you, they're not mad." I stroked her hair. "They just want to see you again and make sure you're okay."

"I don't deserve it." She whimpered as tears streamed down her face. "I just left without a warning after all you guys did for me."

"You do deserve it, you're their family too. Not just the kids, you were their family before you were the twins' mother." I said. "Come on." I pulled her up. We walked down the stairs but she stopped before we went into the living room.

She stared at the door and then placed her hand in the crook of my elbow. It's something she used to do when she was afraid or uncomfortable. She does it without noticing herself, it's the same when she used to step back into my chest. She'd have faith in the fact that I wouldn't allow her to fall or get hurt.

Since the night that I took her to the boxing place, she has relied on me to keep her safe. Since I saved her life, she has trusted me with it. I smiled to myself slightly. Even after all these years, I'm still her safe haven.

Cleopatra took a deep intake of breath before pushing the door open. All of their heads turned to us and my mother gasped. I stepped back slightly, making Cleo's arm fall back to her side. "Cleopatra." Bryony whispered and stepped towards her.

But Cleo just stepped back, leaning into my chest. "Cleopatra, they are not mad." I whispered to her, placing my hands on her waist. "And they won't hurt you either." I gently pushed her forward a bit.

"Ho- How are you?" Achilles asked, holding Jesse in his arms. The little boy looked at Cleo curiously.

"Auntie Cleo?" He mumbled, reaching out to her.

"You told him, about me?" She asked and Achilles nodded, holding his son out to her but she stepped back again. "Why?"

"You didn't tell anyone why you left. But just because you left, didn't mean that we stopped thinking about you." He answered.

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