17. Trial.

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POV Cleopatra.

"Mrs. King, please tell us what happened." The blonde officer said.

"Well, I was at the mall with Ares and our friends." I started. "Louis, the guy Ares beat up, tried to take me."

"And what is your relationship with this Louis?"

"He is my stepfather." I shrugged.

"So he tried to take you and Mr. King stopped him." The brunette concluded and I nodded in confirmation. "Alright, then this is done."

"What do you mean?" I asked as the officer pulled Ares up again. "Where are you taking him?"

"He is staying here. Mr. Villos is pressing charges. Because of that he needs to stay in custody until trial." He stated.

"This is ridiculous!" I stood up.

"No, it isn't. Mr Villos is right to press charges." The short one smirked. "Mr. King is going to be locked away for some time."

"I'll make sure that won't happen." I squinted my eyes as I got in his face.

"Yeah, sure." He chuckled. "See ya in court." He waved me off before taking Ares away.

"I'll give you a ride home." The tall one said and walked out. We got in his car and he drove me back home. When I got inside, everything was dark already.

"One the guys must've helped Diana to bed." I mumbled to myself as I locked the door. I walked up the stairs and towards my room. I opened the door and let out a scream because there was a tall figure looming over me. Without thinking I punched him right on the nose. The person let out a groan and stumbled back.

Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder, turning around. I kicked the person between the legs, guy or girl it still hurts. "Cleo, what the hell?!" The lights turned on and Adonis came into view, clutching his nose.

"What?!" I screeched like a mad woman. "You guys gave me a heart attack!" I exclaimed.

"I can't believe you punched me. You have a great punch." Adonis shook his head while walking past me. He helped Achilles off the floor and on my bed. "But then again, I'm glad I didn't get kicked in the balls." He pat Achilles on the back. "You okay, bro?"

"Just peachy." He grumbled.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, taking off my shoes.

"Well, Ares isn't here and we thought that you could use some company." Adonis explained. "We will be staying until Ares is back."

"Fine." I waved them off and grabbed my pajamas.

"Where are you going?" He asked confused.

"I'm going to sleep." I walked out of my room. "You guys can take my room." I entered Ares' room and shut the door behind me. I changed and then quickly went to brush my teeth.

I let out a sigh as I crawled into Ares' bed. I laid on my stomach with one hand above my head. One leg was stretched and the other was bend a bit. My face was buried in the pillow and I took a deep breath. Slowly, I felt myself fall asleep with Ares' scent surrounding.


"Are you ready?" Achilles asked, putting on his coat.

"No." I replied. "What if he has to go to jail? What if I have to go back to Louis? How will this affect Ares' future?!" I rambled.

"He won't have to go to jail, calm down." Adonis assured as he opened the front door for me. "And you're 18, which means you are allowed to live somewhere else without Louis' permission." I nodded, taking a deep breath and we made our way to court.

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