9. Gentle.

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POV Cleopatra.

I scurried through the hallways, dodging people. I glanced back and saw that Kitty was still hot on my heels. I rounded the corner to the library but then collided with a hard chest. A familiar cologne surrounded me and hands carefully steadied me. "Thank God." I mumbled and hid behind Ares.

"What's going on?" He asked, looking at me over his shoulder while I held his shirt so he wouldn't move. My left arm was still in a cast but it was covered by the sleeve of my sweater. Achilles and Adonis joined his sides and looked at me with curious and confused eyes. People around us glanced as well, probably wondering why Ares didn't remove my hand.

"Kitty is trying to get me." I replied. I knew she would find out about the party eventually but I didn't think she would react like this.

"What-" Achilles' questionen was cut off by another voice.

"Cleopatra Rosalita Fakhry! I swear to God if you don't come out behind those mountains of muscles." She let the sentence hang because her voice cracked. I quickly squeezed myself between Adonis and Ares, standing infront of Ares.

She reached her arms out to me and stepped closer but I took a step backwards. Once again, colliding with Ares' chest. I leaned my back against him, trusting him not to step away or fall over. "You know I'm not a hugger." I grimaced.

Ares leaned down and I felt his hot breath on my ear. "Maybe just this once." He whispered, placing his hands on my hips. "For her sake." He added and I looked up. My best friend was on the verge of tears with a look of guilt and sadness on her face. Ares gently moved me forward by the hips and I sighed.

"Fine." I mumbled and she crashed herself into my arms. Loud sobs escaped her as her small frame shook in my arms. I carefully wrapped my arms around her shoulders as she cried into mine, not caring that we were at school and people were watching. I glanced back at Ares and he gave me an assuring nod. He glared coldy at our small audience and they scattered away quickly.

"I'm so sorry!" Kiki wailed. "I didn't know what was going to happen! And I left you because he wanted to play beer pong! And you got- you got-" I shushed her.

"It's okay." I rubbed her back.

"No it's not!" She growled while pulling back. "He helped you two times already and where was I? Getting drunk with some dude." She shook her head, pointing at Ares and then herself. Actually Ares had saved me about four times already but I kept my mouth shut.

"You helped me through so much!" I exclaimed.

"No, I've been a lousy friend." She shook her head.

"No, Bailey was a lousy friend." I told her. "Now cheer up! You should be grateful that Ares was there. God knows what else could've happened. Wait no!" I stopped her. "Don't think about that. And you don't have Math with me, you can't do anything about that." She nodded and sighed.

"Next time something happens, I'll be there." She stated confidently. "Before he gets to jump in and be the knight on a motorbike." I heard Ares mumble something but luckily Kitty didn't. "Alright, let's go." She tugged me along to our next class. I looked back and waved at the guys. Achilles offered a smile, Ares raised his eyebrow and Adonis gave me a stiff nod.


I was pretty excited because there was one more day left until the cast could go off. I happily skipped up the stairs and went to the bathroom. We finished dinner about an hour ago and I wanted to take a shower. Ares was still here so I had to go to my own bathroom first. I quickly took out my contacts and it felt like my eyes could breathe again, weird I know.

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