15. Forgiveness.

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POV Cleopatra.

I groaned as I woke up. I went to the bathroom to find a little surprise waiting. I mentally cried and grabbed clean undies. After I finished my business, I walked back to my room. "Cleopatra?" Adonis' raspy voice asked. "Why are you up? It's 3.30 in the morning."

"I just had to use the bathroom." I waved it off and crawled back into bed. He hums and I closed my eyes again. Sleep didn't consume me and it made me super annoyed. Around 5 AM I gave up on sleep and stared into the darkness


I woke up to the smell of hamburgers. I got up, saw that Adonis was still asleep and put on my leggings before going downstairs. The scent went to the kitchen so I followed it. "Awe thanks." I chirped at Ares and took the plate with a hamburger from him.

"Uhm, this is mine." He frowns, not letting go of the plate. "I made it."

"With the food that I bought." I retorted.

"With the money I fought for!" He exclaimed, raising his voice.

"I am on my period!" I yelled loudly, not caring if I woke the boys up.

"You can have it." He surrendered, flinching at my loudness and went to the fridge. Diana's laughter echoed through the house and Ares grumbled some curse words under his breath. I happily ate the burger as Ares watched me with a scowl on his face.

When I was finished I was still quite hungry. I washed my dish and then opened the cupboards, looking for cookies. I grinned and tried to grab them but I couldn't reach them. An arm reached over me and grabbed the cookies with ease. "Thank you." I chirped and then skipped upstairs to my room.

Adonis was already awake and went to Ares' room. I did my homework while munching on the cookies. But after seven cookies, I got up and rushed to the bathroom. I fell to my knees and emptied my stomach in the toilet.

Someone came in and held my hair back. The person also rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. When I was done, I looked up and saw Ares sitting behind me. I tried to catch my breath and leaned back against his chest. "This is exactly why I put the cookies on the top shelf." He retorted while handing me my toothbrush with toothpaste on it.

"Thanks." I mumbled and started brushing my teeth. I was still leaning against his chest but he didn't seem to mind. "Are you mad about the burger?" I asked quietly.

"Of course not!" He chuckled as he turned me to face him but I did continue to lean on him. "Being mad at you is like being mad at a puopy for chewing on your favorite shoes." He stated and I smiled slightly. Ares helped me up and brought me back to my room. I sat down at my desk and he went back to his room.


POV Ares.

We were gaming with music on when Cleopatra suddenly stormed in. My head snapped to her and scanned her for injuries. She waited patiently for me to look her in the eyes and I did when I found out that she was fine.

"What's up?" I asked, putting my controller down. She stared at me, not saying anything. I stood up and went towards her. "Cleopatra?" I came to a halt infront of her. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I questioned when I saw the tears in her eyes.

"I don't know." She whimpered as the tears flowed down her face. I gently placed my hands on her cheeks and wiped the tears away with my thumbs.

"Are you tired?" I whispered and she nodded. I heard her get up last night. "Let's get you to bed then." I guided her back to her room and helped her into bed. The second she laid down, she curled up in a little ball and dozed off.

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