22. I'm a mess.

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POV Cleopatra.

It was only a few minutes left until it was a new year. Christmas was great. I had given Ares a golden necklace with boxing gloves on it. He put it on immediately. Achilles gave me a couple new books and Adonis gave me shoes. Cyrus even got me some earrings and Diana got me a bracelet with handcuffs. Also one for Kitty, she called us partners in crime. Ares got me an expensive golden watch.

Last night I called Kiki to tell her about everything and she was super excited. I sent her pictures and she kept gushing about me looking stunning, her words not mine.

I was a bit drunk and I knew I wasn't the only one but it was my first time ever. Diana had gone with Edison so Cyrus threw a New Years party. People were dancing and drinking everywhere. "Ten... Nine... Eight..." The loud counting snapped me back to reality.

A body crashed into me and I steadied the person. "Hey." Ares slurred a bit.

"Three! Two! One!" People yelled. I opened my mouth to wish Ares a happy new year but he stopped me by capturing my mouth in his. I swear to God my heart stopped right then and there. I could taste the alcohol on his lips as I kissed back without thinking.

Ares dropped his drink and pulled me along by my waist, not taking his lips off mine. He pulled me up the stairs and into my room. He shut the door before pushing me against it. His hands trailed down and lifted my legs around his waist. His hands squeezed my bum and I gasped, giving him the advantage of slipping his tongue on my mouth.

He walked us towards the bed and laid me down on it gently before getting ontop of me. With on swift motion he pulled my shirt off before taking my black lace bra off as well. I squirmed under his gaze as he looked at me without shame. "Gorgeous." He mumbled to himself and took his shirt off before attaching his mouth back on mine.

He pulled off his pants and mine, leaving but of us nearly naked. "Cleo, are you sure?" He asked, breathing heavily.

"I'm sure." I nodded, I've never been so sure in my entire life.


I groaned a little as I woke up. I rolled over, expecting to find Ares there but there was nothing. I frowned and opened my eyes. Ares was by my door getting dressed but he stopped when he noticed my gaze on him.

"Cleopatra, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." He said and tears welled up in my eyes. "I was drunk and made a mistake." And then he left.

"I can't believe it." I mumbled as I buried my head in my pillow. I cried for what felt like hours and thought everything over. I can't believe he would do that to me, he was the last person I'd expect it from. He made me feel used and dirty.

I got up with a lot of effort and put on my robe before grabbing some clothes. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Last night was great but I was so stupid to think that it would last. Of course he doesn't want me, I looked in the mirror. Look at him and then at me. We're from two different worlds.

~A week later~

I put in my earbuds and grabbed my suitcase. I dragged it down the stairs and placed it in the trunk. I didn't even think twice and just got in Achilles' car. I saw Adonis' questioning look but ignored it. I sat in the backseat and leaned my head against the window, closing my eyes.

Ares hadn't spoken to me since that morning and I was glad because I didn't want to feel more awkward. I was still very hurt and I knew he knew it too. He avoided my eyes at all costs and made sure not to be alone with me in the same room.

I drifted off to sleep for a majority of the ride. But I woke up when we were about a half an hour away from Ares' house. "Can you guys bring me to Kitty?" I asked, pulling out one of my earbuds. "I already texted her to let her know that I'm coming."

"Alright." Adonis nodded from behind the wheel and drove us to Kitty's house. He pulled up to her driveway and I got out. But much to my surprise, the two of them got out as well and followed me to the door. Before I could knock, Kitty opened the door and pulled me into a hug.

"I was so stupid." I whispered.

"No you weren't." She shook her head. "I wouldn't expect him to pull an âss trick like this either."

"What's going on?" Achilles spoke up from behind us.

"They don't know?" She whisper yelled and I mumbled no. "Can they know?"

"Sure." I nodded and she pulled back.

"Come in." She opened the door wider. I walked in and went to her room. I took off my shoes and laid down in her bed. Adonis and Achilles followed me but they sat at her desk. "Do you want to tell them?" She asked as she got under the duvet as well.

"I slept with Ares." I stated and Adonis froze while Achilles' eyes widened.

"What happened then?" Achilles asked. "You guys were so awkward."

"The morning after he said that he was sorry and that it was a drunk mistake." I answered.

"That âsshole." Adonis cursed.

"You shouldn't talk about him like that." I shook my head before leaning it on Kiki's shoulder.

"How can you even defend him?! After what he did to you!" Kiki exclaimed angry.

"Yes, he did me wrong but there are so many things he did good." I explained. "I won't ever be able to repay him for what he did for me."

"It's okay." She assured. "Just a month and a half and then we'll be gratuated."

I sighed and nodded. Adonis and Achilles left after that but I stayed with Kitty. Achilles agreed to pick me up later to bring me home.

"Are you okay?" Kiki asked once the guys were gone.

"Not really." I shook my head.

"It'll be okay." She said as we laid in her bed watching A walk to remember.

"I doubt it." I mumbled. "I'm a mess."

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