13. Cyrus King.

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POV Cleopatra.

I was in the kitchen making dinner, Diana was taking a nap upstairs and Ares went to buy some Advil. Music echoed through the kitchen softly but I made sure that Diana wouldn't wake up from it. I watched the salmon as it baked and stirred the gambas.

"Who the hell are you?" A voice snapped behind me, causing me to jump. I didn't hear anyone come in. "One of Ares' whores?" I turned around and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"No, sir. I'm the girl from next door." I replied to the stranger. "Who are you?"

"I'm Ares' father." The man grumbled.

"Sorry, he isn't home yet." I informed before facing the stove again. I mixed the sauce and lowered the fire, keeping the food warm but not enough to burn it.

"Alright, I'll be back later." He nodded before leaving again. I frowned to myself, Ares never once mentioned his dad. I finished making dinner and left it all on the stove. I didn't want to wake Diana up because she was pretty worn out and Ares wasn't back yet, so I made my way to my room.

"Oh you're back already." I chirped when Ares walked through the front door. I furrowed my eyebrows at him while taking in his attire. He was wearing a dress shirt with khaki pants and brown pointy shoes. "What are you wearing?" I asked because it was different from his usual jeans and black shirt.

"What are you talking about?" He asked confused while I walked closer to him.

"Did you shrink?" I questioned because my forehead bumped against his chin. Usually fit right underneath his head.

"What the hell?!" He glared down on me. I just ignored him and stood on my tippy toes.

"Where is it?" I wondered, inspecting his face. I was searching for the heart shaped mole at the end of his left eyebrow. "What the hell?" I stepped back when I didn't find it. Suddenly the door opened and Ares stepped in. "Ares?" I asked confused, tilting my head to the side.

"The hell are you doing here?" The guy that just stepped in snapped at his doppleganger. Okay, that's definitely Ares.

"Dad and I came to visit but he isn't here. I found this lady instead." The doppelganger sent me a smirk. Ares noticed that I was confused as hell and held his out to me, motioning for me to come closer. I spotted the mole at the end of his eyebrow before I started moving towards him.

I stood beside him and he lowered his arm. "Cleopatra, this is my twin brother." Ares mumbled, gesturing to the other guy. He was almost exactly the same as Ares. The few differences were clothes and the height. And of course the mole but no one is crazy enough to get that close to Ares' face. His twin's eyes were exactly the same as his and they looked at me with curiosity.

"Cyrus Isidor King, pleasure to meet you." He flashed me a smirk. Dâmn they all have cool names. His hand reached out to me but Ares stopped him as I took a step back.

"She doesn't like it when people touch her." Ares warned, his eyebrows in a small frown.

"Yet she is touching you." Cyrus dropped his eyes to Ares' arm. The both of us looked down and then I noticed that I unconsciously placed my hand in the crook of his elbow.

"There you have a point." Ares mumbled, I assumed he didn't notice it either. "Cleopatra, please go and wake mom up." I gave him a small nod before going past Cyrus.

"It's Cleo." I rolled my eyes, he is the only that always calls me Cleopatra. I entered Diana's room to see that she was already awake. She laid in bed while reading a book.

"Hey, dear. Is it dinner time already?" She smiled and I nodded, lifting her back in her wheelchair.

"Cyrus is here as well." I informed her as I rolled her towards the stairs and placed her on the lfit thing.

"And you left him and Ares alone?!" She shrieked while I walked next to her down the stairs. Commotion was heard and her eyes widened.

"I'm starting to assume that I shouldn't have done that." I grimaced as we entered the living room. Ares was on top of Cyrus, his fist ready to punch his twin in the face. By the look of Cyrus' face, it seemed that Ares had already hit him multiple times.

"Ares!" I yelled and his head snapped to me. "Please get off Cyrus." I requested calmly. Ares hesitated, looking at his brother once more before sighing and getting up. "Come on, I'll get you cleaned up." I walked back up the stairs and into the bathroom.

Ares grabbed my hips and lifted me onto the sink. It made me a bit taller so he didn't have to bend over and he just stood infront of me."What happened?" I asked as I cleaned the reopened wound on his cheek.

"Cyrus was talking shît." Ares said annoyed while cleaning the blood from his knuckles.

"And was it worth all of this?" I mentioned to his face and knuckles. Ares nodded, remaining silent. I sat up a bit straighter and cleaned the cut on his eyebrow. I squirmed under his cold stare while I cleaned his face. "All done." I whispered and he helped me down.

I went down the stairs again and Ares followed behind me. Cyrus was sitting on the couch but he stood up when he saw me. His face bruised but Diana had cleaned the blood. "Thank you." He looked me in the eyes.

"For what?" I questioned.

"For stopping him." He answered. "He usually doesn't stop until he broke a bone in my body or when dad walks in."

Ares let out a grunt and stepped forward. I placed my hand on his shoulder, causing him to halt. Cyrus watched with a raised eyebrow. "You're welcome but if you anger him again, I'll let him do what he wants." I replied.

"Did you just threaten me?" Cyrus raised his voice as he took a step forward. His glare wasn't half as scary or cold as Ares'.

"No, I just warned you." I said calmly, Ares took a small step infront of me. Clearly not liking the fact that his brother was angry and near me. Though, the small action didn't go unnoticed.

"Just don't be annoying." Ares rolled his eyes.

"Little bro, life is tough. Buy a helmet." Cyrus smacked the palm of his hand against Ares' forehead.

"Big bro, Ares is mad. Run like hell." I mimicked him while Ares slapped Cyrus' forehead.

"What the actual fûck!" Cyrus raged. "I'm not letting some random girl disrespect me in my own house." He took a step towards me but Diana's voice stopped him.

"She is not like this at all." She explained. "She's just hanging out with Ares, Achilles and Adonis too much."

"What the hell happened here?!" The same man from before stepped into the living room as well.

"Ares started it." Cyrus quickly pointed his finger at Ares.

The man ignored him and turned to me. "Why are you still here?"

I opened my mouth to reply but Diana beat me to it. "Edison, I asked her to cook dinner. She is here a lot." She replied.

"You may leave now." He ordered with a wave of his hand.

"Father." Ares warned. "Cleopatra, you don't have-" He started but I cut him off.

"It's okay, Ares." I assured. "Second pan on the left is your salmon because I know you don't like gambas." I smiled before walking towards the door.

"What the hell?!" I heard Ares yell before I closed the door. My heartbeat quickened as I opened the door to my own house. I cringed at the alcohol smell that filled my nostrils. I hadn't been there since Ares saved me.

"You're back?!" Louis stumbled into my sight. "I knew it! No one wants you!" He laughed evilly before smacking me across the face. I gasped at the contact and stepped back. He punched me once more before I darted out the door.

I considered going back to Ares' home but I was sure that his dad didn't want me there. I sighed and went to the one place where I would always be welcome. I shuddered as the cold air brushed my bare arms. A frown was clear on my face, I wished Ares would just pop up like always and take me back home.

I knocked on the door and a maid opened the door. "Ms. Fakhry?" She asked confused. I rolled my eyes and nodded, of course he has maids.

A familiar voice popped up before the maid could let me in. "Cleo?"

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