19. Canberra.

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POV Cleopatra.

"Are you sure you want to come?" Ares asked as he put the suitcases in the trunk of the rental car. Mr. King had someone sent a Porsche Cayenne because we had to go to Ares' hometown, Canberra. Diana had to go to a checkup at the hospital there and we had three weeks off anyway. Because of Christmas and New Year.

"I'm sure because Cyrus is coming too. I don't need you two to break down a house and drive your mother nuts." I shook my head. "Besides, Achilles and Adonis are coming as well. Just think of it as a road trip."

"Jezus woman, what did you pack?!" Cyrus exclaimed as he carried my luggage.

"It's just some of my clothing and the stuff my father gave. I can't return it, might as well use it." I shrugged. "I may not be super girly but I sure love my clothes."

"We're good to go." Diana said as Ares locked the door.

I walked onto the road and went to open the passenger door. "What are you doing?" Cyrus asked.

"I'm getting in the car?" I replied confused.

"No way, I'm up front." He shook his head as he blocked the door. I shoved him but the mountain of muscle wouldn't move.

Suddenly he grabbed my wrists and pushed me against the car, flushing his body against mine. "Car." He mumbled. I gasped as a car zoomed past us, almost hitting Cyrus' back. Once it was gone, he let me go and opened the back door before getting in.

"You okay?" Diana asked as she rolled herself towards the car. I nodded, still a bit shaken up and Ares lifted her into the car. He folded the wheel chair and put it in the trunk as well.

"It's okay, babygirl." Ares stood infront of me. "You're okay." He reminded me before opening the door. I got in silently, he shut it and then got in himself as well.


After driving for two hours, I started to get pretty tired. "Cleopatra, take off your shoes." Ares said and I obeyed. "Now put your feet on my lap."

"Won't they hinder you while you're driving?" I asked.

"Nah." He shrugged and I lifted my feet onto his lap. I leaned my back against the door and my side and head against the backrest. I looked to the backseat and saw Diana grinned to herself while she read. Cyrus was laying his head on her lap while snoring softly.

Ares placed one of his hands on my leg while the other one stayed on the steering wheel. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. I noticed that there was a CD playing but it contained songs by Bastille only. I smiled slightly when I heard Ares hum the lyrics to the song Oblivion. Before I knew it, I was out like a light.


"Cleopatra, we're here." Ares said softly. My eyes fluttered opened and I took in my surroundings. I quickly stepped out of the car and admired the house. It was two stories yet still pretty big.

"This is your house?!" I said baffled.

"You don't like it?" Ares asked, grabbing the luggage while Cyrus helped Diana back in her wheelchair.

"To me, this is like Barbie's dream house!" I exclaimed while walked over to Ares. I took my suitcase and rolled it behind me as I walked inside. I gasped at the interior design. The walls had the same paint job as the outside and a golden chandelier hung from the ceiling. "I am astonished!"

"Come on, I'll show you your room." Ares said while grabbing the suitcase and walking up the stairs. "I'll be across the hallway, Adonis on your right and Achilles across from him."

"So many rooms." I mumbled as I went up the stairs and then taking a right. "What about Cyrus and your mother?"

"Cyrus has his room on the other wing, instead of right at the stairs his room is on the left." Ares explained as he stopped infront of a door. "Mom's room is downstairs, it's more convenient." He opened the door. "Voila!"

"Woah!" I gaped at the design. On the right was a bed with a televion across from it, which was standing on a small dresser. There was a small fire place with a comfortable looking chair and a balcony. "This is amazing!"

"The bathroom is at the end of the hallway." Ares told me as he placed the suitcase next to the door. "Get dressed and then we can decorate the tree."

"What tree?" I asked confused.

"The Christmas tree." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I nodded and then popped my suitcase open.


"Ares, what do you want for Christmas?" I asked, looking at all the presents underneath the tree.

"I'm good with anything." He shrugged in reply.

"You're not helping." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I have everything I need, right here." He motioned his hand to me, Diana and the boys. I let out a groan before going upstairs to my room. I laid down on my bed and heaeerd footsteps on the stairs before my door opened. "What's wrong? It's not just about the present, is it?" Ares sat down next to me.

"I want to give you something special, Christmas is in ten days!" I exclaimed. "Everyone got you a gift, even Cyrus! After everything you did for me you deserve a gift."

"You're being way to hard on yourself." He shook his head while I sat up. "I'd be satisfied with a book or something."

"I'm not being hard on myself. I just have to get you something special because you deserve the world!" I stated.

"Alright, then we can go to the mall tomorrow." Ares gave in. "Achilles, Adonis, you and I."

"Deal." I grinned at him.

"Are you excited?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "This is the first time in four years that I'm celebrating Christmas again. I just want one without fights or beatings."

"No one is going to beat you." He assured.

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