14. Ozan Fakhry.

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Previously in The Badboy's Neighbor:

I knocked on the door and a maid opened the door. "Ms. Fakhry?" She asked confused. I rolled my eyes and nodded, of course he has maids.

A familiar voice popped up before the maid could let me in. "Cleo?"


POV Cleopatra.

"Hey." I waved awkwardly.

"Come in." He ushered me in. "You're really here?"

"Don't get used to it, dad." I frowned up at the 6'4 tall man that I call my father, I got my height from him. His brown eyes sparkled with happiness but confusion was hidden behind them. "Where is my room?"

"Up the stairs, take a left and then the second door on you right." He answered, still a bit shocked because of my arrival. I nodded and went upstairs. On my door was my name written in Arabic and those Egyptian hieroglyphs.

I went inside and grabbed the landline from the desk because I forgot my own phone at home. I quickly dialed Ares' number, it was the only one I knew by heart.

"Who is this?" He snapped into the phone, for once I was glad to hear his grumpy voice.

"Ares, it's me." I sighed in relief.

"Cleopatra? Are you okay? Where are you? Did he hurt you? I saw you going inside." He fired multiple questions at me.

"I'm okay, I'm at my father's house and yes he did but I ran out." I answered each one of his questions.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Worry laced in his voice and I hummed. "Then let me hear it." I rolled my eyes but a small smile made its way onto my lips.

"If I lay here, if I just lay here." I sang softly. "Would you lie with me and just forget the world."

"Wait, your dad?" He asked confused once I finished. "If you have one, why aren't you living with him?"

"I hadn't seen him in eight years." I replied. "Everyone has their own family issues."

"Are you staying there?" Ares questioned.

"For now." I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said and he hummed before I hung up the phone.

I didn't want to face my dad so I decided to inspect my room. The walls were white and in the middle of the ceiling was a chandelier. On the opposite side of the door was a king sized bed with nightstands on either side. Next to the door was a television with two couches and three chairs with a big coffee table in the middle.

On the left was a balcony with filled bookshelves on both sides. On my right was a huge desk and a comfortable looking desk chair. On both sides of the bed was a door. I went into the one on the right and it was a bathroom.

There was a bathtub with the end a little from the wall because against the wall was a toilet. On the right was a sink that took up the whole wall and a mirror that covered the wall above the sink. In the corner was a big glass shower cubicle. "Impressive." I mumbled and then walked out, moving on to the other door.

I gasped at the sight infront of me, it was a huge walk in closet. Every corner of it was filled. Dozens of shirts were hanging on the left with shelves full of shoes next to it. All kinds like boots, heels, sneakers and slippers. Jeans were folded neatly on the shelf above the shirts.

The left wall had dresses and gowns. Purses and clutches were placed on the shelf above it, almost all of them were expensive brands. On the wall on the opposite of the door was a shît ton of make up stocked with jackets hanging on the left. All of the clothing items were arranged by color, dark on the left and light on the right.

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