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POV Cleopatra.

After Ares lifted me off his bike, I walked onto the sand. I smiled slightly to myself and then took my heels off. I allowed the water to brush my feet and I giggled happily. I slowly moved along the shoreline and ended up by some big rocks.

I didn't think twice and started getting on one. Ares just watched me as I sat down on the edge, I was kind of gliding downwards because the rock was crooked. "Cleopatra, why are you scared of males?" Ares asked me but I tried to dodge his question.

"I'm not." I said. Ares squinted his eyes at me and stood by the rock. "Shît." I mumbled when I realized that I was gonna fall. And probably on top of Ares too. I sighed and just dropped myself, it's probably easier that way than trying to fight it. "Huh?" I frowned when I didn't hit the sand. Then I noticed that Ares caught me, his hands supported my thighs as my legs were wrapped around his waist. "You can put me down now."

"I'm kind of digging this position." He replied, stepped to the rock and pushing my back against it. He dipped his head down and I gasped as his lips came in contact with my skin.

"What are you doing?" I croaked out. He started at the place where my neck meets my shoulder.

"Multiple things." He whispered, his lips brushing against my skin. "Punishing you." He stopped at the one spot and kissed it before biting down. He sucked the spot and once he was satisfied, he moved up my neck.

I was frozen in his arms and he let out a grunt when he didn't get good access to the place he was trying to reach. His hands moved to my bum and he gave it a squeeze, making me gasp and tilt my head up. He continued his work, kissing me until he got right below my ear. "This doesn't feel like punishment." I replied, finding my voice again. "It's quite enjoyable."

"Aha." I could hear the smirk in his voice when I let out a shaky breath. "I found your soft spot." He kissed it once more. I tilted my head to the side and he readjusted his hands firmly on my bum.

"Ares." I let out a sigh as he continued to work on my so called 'soft spot'.  Then it hit me, I knew what was gonna happen. He was gonna leave me all hot and bothered. Not going to happen, I thought.

Without thinking my actions through, I rolled my hips against his. I smirked to myself when I heard a small groan coming from him. I repeated the motion but in reply, he bit down harder. I whimpered and stopped moving. "There, all done." Ares removed his head from my neck and admired his work from a small distance.

"Isn't it tiring to keep me up?" I asked because he had been holding me for about ten minutes.

"I don't mind." He shook his head. "At all." He gave my bum another squeeze. "Now, we're gonna talk." He stated and put me back on the sand.

"About what?" I asked walking towards the shoreline again. He stood behind me as I sat down on the sand.

"Why you tend to flinch so much around males?" He asked while I heard snapping.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" I asked, turning to him.

"Yes." He nodded. "It looks cool." He sat down next to me.

"I'm not necessarily scared of males, I just prefer not to touch strangers." I shrugged. "Females and males, some of them just have that kind of air around them. While others, like Achilles, touch me unexpectedly and then I freeze."

"But it's mainly around males." He stated.

"Yeah, they are usually broader, taller and more intimidating." I explained. I wasn't gonna tell him my whole life story. I don't want to burden him nor do I want him in my business.

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