11. Adonis Amor.

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POV Adonis.

I was walking down the sidewalk towards Ares' house when I noticed a figure following me. I changed direction, taking a left. I went left three more times, going in a cirlce and the person kept stalking me. I frowned and turned into the woods. I hoped the person would too so I could find out who it was.

When I saw that the person did, I pushed him against a tree swiftly. Big blue eyes stared up at me in shock, Kitty, Cleopatra's creepy friend. I stepped back and raised my eyebrow, giving her a chance to explain her odd behavior.

"I'm so sorry for following you! I just did in case you went to see Ares. I need to see him because I got in a fight with Cleo and it involves him too." She rambled. "I just want to know what's going on because I'm worried about Cleo but I'm also afraid that she is mad. Because I overreacted and I know that it's not any of my business but I just want to protect her." I got sick of her rambling and took a step forward, successfully shutting her up.

"Stay." I warned and turned away while grabbing my phone. I dialed Ares' numbed and pressed the device to my ear. "Kitty tailed me and she wants to see Cleo." I stated before he could even say hello.

"Take her." He replied and hung up. I turned back to the frightened girl and she eyes watching me cautiously. I motioned my hand for her to follow me and she obeyed. I walked to Ares' house and knocked on the door. Achilles opened it, which didn't surprise me at all but Kitty shrunk back a bit. When he saw it was me, he walked off. I rolled my eyes and stepped inside.

"You coming?" I asked gruffly and she nodded. Her soft footsteps followed me as I went to Ares' room. I went right in and expected Kitty to follow me. She did and I closed the door behind her.

"Does your visitation have a purpose?" Ares asked as he sat on his bed. He had a challenging look on his face because he knew the girl was scared. "I assume you don't stalk my friend and come to my house without a good reason." He continued when she didn't reply.

"I want to see Cleo." She stated confidently but it faltered when Ares narrowed his eyes.

"I fail to see what I have to do with that." He tilted his head to the side. "Elaborate." She kept her mouth shut, causing Ares to stand up. "Cleopatra seemed upset when I picked her up." He walked around her, I knew he was trying to intimidate her and it was bad. But it wasn't my place to intervene, so I just sat down on one of his chairs and watched them. "Are you the cause of that?" He taunted.

"Yeah, we got in a fight." She replied, her posture maintained confident but it got betrayed by the wavering in her voice. Ares let out a hum and she continued. "I asked what was going on between the two of you and she didn't want to tell me. I tried to make her but she refused."

"Why are you force yourself into something that obviously isn't you business?" Ares asked. His eyes were cold but I've known him for a long time. I could see the anger behind them because she upset Cleo. Ares cares more about the girl than he is aware of.

"I'm her best friend! It is my business." She snapped at him. His glare got even harder, which I thought was impossible, then he stood infront of her. His muscled frame towered over her 5'3 frame easily. "Tell me, what's going on between you guys."

"It is not any of your business." He glared before retreating to his bed. I knew what he was doing, I knew exactly what was going on. He was testing her. If she leaves, she fails. But if she stays and tries to persuade him, she succeeds.

"Listen up, you so-called bad boy." She marched up to him and grabbed him collar. I was shocked and I could tell he was too. Her tone was venomous and mocking, meaning she meant business. The cheerful and bubbly girl was gone. She was replaced by an angry and protective best friend. "I don't care if you think it is none of my business. She wanted to tell me but she was afraid that you would get mad." She pulled him up a bit.

"Kitty." Ares warned lowly. She put her hand up, silencing him as his frown deepened.

"She was scared because she didn't want to break your trust. That she might tell me something you wouldn't want people to know." She threatened and pulled him closer as she bent down. "Now I want you to tell me what she is afraid to tell me. Because she already lost one best friend and she won't be able to handle it if she loses another one."

"Alright." He agreed and she let go, obviously surprised by his reaction.

"Really?" She squeaked shocked.

"Yeah." He nods. "The thing is, she lives with me." He stated and her mouth went slightly ajar. "Come on, I'll let you see her now. That is, if she want to see you too."

"She's here?" Kitty panicked. Ares nodded and walked out. He knocked on the door on the opposite of his room and then peeked his head in. He went in a closed the door, I got up and nudged Kitty. She nodded and we waited in the hallway.

POV Cleopatra.

I was reading a book in my bed when Ares' head poked into my room. I gave him a nod, allowing him to come in. Not that he needed my permission, it's his house. "Little lion, someone's here to see you." He informed me while sitting down next to me.

My heartbeat picked up as I thought of the possibilities and my eyes widened. "Hey, calm down." Ares whispered while turning my head to him. "It's not someone who will hurt you." He assured. "And if she tries, she'll have to go through me first." I let out a breath and nodded.

I got up and looking in the full body mirror, to check if my hair didn't go wild. I tucked some loose hairs back into place and took my place behind Ares. He chuckled slightly before calling out to Adonis. The door opened and someone stepped in.

Ares lifted his arm up, meaning that I should come out behind him. One hand held the back of his shirt as my head poked out next to his waist and underneath his arm. A very shocked Kitty was gaping at Ares and I. Which I completely understand. I was practically using Ares as my human protection wall. "Kitty?" I asked confused, stepping out behind Ares and ducking my head a bit as I went under his arm.

Ares let his arm drop down but rested it in the curve of my back. "Cleo, I'm sorry." She exclaimed and bursted out in tears. Why was she sorry? "I tried to force you to tell me because I didn't want us to split up like with Bailey."

"Kitty, it's fine." I assured. "I should've told you."

"No of course not! Now I get why you didn't want to break his trust. I feel like such a dîck now." She let out an airy laugh and I grimaced at her choice of words. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me?"

"Of course!" I rolled my eyes playfully but she kept on crying. "Do you..." my voice trailed off. Ares stroked my back, assuring me that it would be fine and I finished my sentence. "Need a hug?" Without a word she leaped into my arms.

"I'm so glad you forgive me." She mumbled. I smiled and pulled back.

"Sorry, it's a short one." I stepped back, feeling the familiar warmth of Ares' chest against my back. "Still getting used to it." I chuckled awkwardly. Hugging still wasn't really my thing but if it cheered up my best friend, I don't mind.

"I'll take what I can get." She chirped while raising her shoulders. "But I gotta leave, mom will kill me if she finds out that I didn't clean my room."

"I'll show you the door." Adonis said. What a weird sentence. It sounds like he wants to show her the design of the door or something.

"You did great." Ares smiled down on me as I looked back. "Don't worry, all I told her was that you're living with me." He informed me.

"Thank you, Ares." I turned to face him completely. "I don't know what I would've done if I lost Kiki too."

"Thank you, Cleopatra." He replied and I looked at him in confusion. "Kitty told me that you wouldn't tell her because you were afraid how I was gonna react and that you didn't want to break my trust." I nodded and he made his way towards the door. "The guys are staying over for dinner, so we're probably ordering in."

"Alright." I nodded and got back into my bed. I picked up the book again and read with an eased heart. Kiki and I were okay and she knew that I lived with Ares.

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