The paper

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It was a few weeks after the party that I got the call. I was excited when it came through although I had worked with some amazing people in my time, I always wanted to inspire young people and show them the real joys of this industry and line of work.

Lennon seemed like the perfect person so work with, he was humble and sweet and was the perfect example of the young model who I wanted to show this experience to. With his mother's knowledge of this type of work and his fathers look i knew he would be good for the brand.

"Miss Fletcher, there's a Mr Gallagher on the phone. Should i put him through" my assistant asked. I nodded and moved some papers off my desk. I composed myself and answered the call.

"Hello?" I asked, keeping my self professional.

"Hi, Lyla?" The voice came through. My eyebrows raised a little when I realised it wasn't Lennon.

"Liam?" I asked.

"Hay, sorry if this is a bad time i can call back." He said. I smiled but shook my head, knowing he couldn't see it.

"No, no its fine, what's wrong?" I asked smiling to myself. Wondering why he had called.

"Well I was actually just round the area and wanted to know if you were free for lunch today or whatever?" He asked. I smiled.

"I'm not sure what time are you thinking of?" I asked. Looking through my schedule.

"Around 2? There's a little Italian place neer ya, how bout it?" He asked. I checked my appointments as he spoke.

"Liam I'm sorry I can't make lunch, but I'm free for dinner, tonight, if, if you're free that is" I said.

"Course yeah, can i pick you up? Around 7" he asked. I nodded again. Then rolled my eyes at myself.

"Seven would be nice" I said. He heard him clear his thoat.

"Cool, well I'll see ya then" he said.

"Sure" I replied and we ended the call. I smiled and leaned back in my desk.

I checked the clock. It was 12. I had a shoot with a model working for Nike coming at 1, so I had to set that up, then i had to send Lauran, one of my designers out for a task at the Bolen house at half past one, who wanted a new garden exterior and they asked for me personaly but i already had double booked with another model coming in at 2 for a sketch up for a summer line and I had to get this deal in order to be picked for the Photoshoot during fashion week. An opportunitie that I needed to push for and deserved af5er almost 3 years of hard work building this company.

I sighed sitting back, it was a lot of work but it wasn't too much. I knew my limits and I knew i had a busy few months. Maybe dinner was what i needed at the moment.

"Chantal" I called. She popped her head in.

"Yes Miss Fletcher." She asked.

"I need you to call Stephanie and tell her I need a make up artist and
hairdresser at my house by half past 4" I said. She nodded.

"Anything else?" She asked.

"No after that you can go" I said. " you can take the day off but i will need you in tomorrow early" I said. She smiled and nodded.

"Sure" She said and left. I smiled. I liked being my own boss. It made things so much easier and I felt more in control. A lot had been happening lately with me taking on two businesses but it was fun and exciting.


"Hi" liam smiled. I smiled back, he was dressed in nice black genes and a parka, the usual attire along with some trainers.

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