The talk

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Being in a relationship for me was hard, being in a relationship ment commitment and trust, two things I wasn't exactly amazing at sharing, especialy since my childhood. Growing up I never had time for relationships platonic or romantic because for me work came first.

After I met Shaun at 19 I fell in love, he defined me more as a person, he made me realise the difference between work life and social life. Being in the spotlight since 13 was hard for most people. Over the years I learned to be myself more. However the more I came out of my hard shell the more insecure Shaun became.

He didn't just hurt me physically but mentally and emotionally he drained all the life from me. After our split in 2013 I became a recluse. I didn't leave the
House and I didn't want to do anything but feel sorry for myself. I went into hiding. Mostly because the main stituent in my life had now only become memories and most of them were worse than anything people imagined.

My mother managed to keep me out of the papers and in 2015 she dragged me out of bed and down to the storage hall that went up for sale. Together we started the photography and modeling company where people could rent it out or book shoots.

After that we went on to the graphic design and landscaping business and although my mum mostly deals with that I enjoy meeting clients and working with people again.

Meeting Liam again was amazing. He reminded me of a happier time when I was the young happy girl. We had many party's and nights out over the years. Obviously he was older them me so we never spent much time together but we were friends neer the downfall in my modeling career when Shaun was at his worse. No one i knew liked him and people started noticing the bruises as there were more to try and cover up. People told me there was an easy way out but my own insecurities told me Shaun was as good as I could get.

Tines got harder and harder and I was becoming increasingly more depressed and before I knew it times had gotten on top.of me and my mother forced me to end the relationship between me and him. I had a team of people behind me to build me up and Kate was one of them. I was so blind by the thpught of being alone I didn't see the effect he was having on my health.

That's why falling for Liam was scary, that's why seeing him was a danger to me, I didn't want to go back into that place, physically I felt strong and mentally I was happy and proud of where I was now. My modeling days were over. Shaun had made sure of that but being with Liam was totally different.

I could feel this getting more Serious than I thought it would. And we had to clear some things up before we dove out of the pan into the fire, I needed him to prove me wrong. That a relationship between us wouldn't be a waste of both of put time.

It was a saterday night and Liam was at my house. We were doing the usual, having a few beers and watching TV. That's when I brought it up.

"Liam?" I asked as a question. He looked at me and saw the concern in my eyes.

"What's up babe" he asked. That was anotherthing. Babe. It made me feel like we were on totally different pages.

"What is this?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow.

"What's what?" He said shaking his head unclear of the situation.

"Us. What are we doing here?" I asked. It was silent for a moment before he cleared his thoat and looked away. I felt my heart beat getting faster.

"I donno, I'm not sure babe" he said. I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Well I think we should talk about this because well, we've been seeing eachother for 6 months now" I said. I couldn't look him in the eyes. We had been doing this dating thing for six whole months and still it felt like we were not moving anywhere.

"Fuckin' he'll have we?" He asked. I nodded.

"I just, I like you Liam, and we've been playing this slow but i think we need to decide if this is going anywhere or not" I said calmly. Liam nodded.

"I guess we do yeah, look i ain't exactly amazing with words or whatever but i like ya Lyla, you're amazing and that you really are" he said smiling, I smiled too embarrassed by his kind words.

"So what now?" I asked.

"Well, I'm happy with moving on to the next step if you are, I enjoy being around ya, and the boys like ya too" he said before leaning in and kissing me gently. I smiled.

"So are we making this official, because I think thats the next step" I said to him honestly. He nodded and I smiled. I took his hand and I intertwined his fingers with mine.

"You know I do really like you Liam and that's a big step for me" I said as I played with out fingers. He smiled and nodded to me.

"I know babe." He replied. I felt luke I had a weight off my shoulder however, things would only tell from here on in.


Since we were now official me and Liam made a point to spend more time together. Liam had spent the last three nights at my house and we were enjoying the time. I packed a bag of clothes to take to his house where I would keep them.

This was a huge step for us both. We hadn't been in the most amazing situations when it came to relationships. Although we were officially together and has been seeing eachother for over 6 months we still hadn't don't anything past a snog on the couch or before bed.

It just didn't seam right to me to move onto that part of the relationship. I still hasnt found trust in him to take it that leap yet. Although he was slowly becoming a huge part of my life I still had other priorities that came first. The main one being my work.

"We should probably tell the boys then ey" he said. I nodded. It was a big  step for Liam to tell the boys. We had been speaking about it over the last few days and I agreed that we owed them that much.

All four of us sat Round the kitchen table awkwardly in silence.

"Right whats this all about then?" Lennon finally spoke up.

"Well, we thought we should have a chat about some things" Liam said clearing his thoat nervously.

"What? Is everything ok?" Gene asked looking at me conserned. He had been weary of me at first but ever since the studio incident we've becaome a little closer. Liam nodded at me to tell them.

"Well, you know me and your father have been getting closer and we just wanted to let you know that we've decided to sort of make this official" I said. I felt really awkward. Liam took my hand under the table.

"That's it, you've become official" Gene said with quotation marks when he said official.

"Yeah, what what did you think was goin' on?" Liam asked.

"We thought she was fucking pregnant or you two were getting married or somthin'" Lennon said laughing along with Gene. Me and Liam both blushed

"GOD NO" we both said at the same time. I looked at Liam and then to the boys and we all burst into laughter.

"So what are you moving in or something?" Gene asked. I shook my head.

"No, I like having my own space so I shall just be spending a few nights a week," I said laughing as Gene smiled.

"So are you going to start coming with us on our days out and now?" Lennon asked jokingly. I nodded.

"You don't think i can skate?" I asked. This grabbed the boys attention.

"Right well I guess you're going to have to come with us to the place of cars" Liam said smiling at me. Gene and Lennon rolled there eyes.

"House of vans" they both said at the same time too. I laughed and leaned into Liams side. Things were still going slow. Like i liked it and there for a change I felt like my life might actually be on track for once.

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