The villa

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I sat next to Gene on the plane. His two friends facing us in a little 4 seat situation like on a train. We were using my company's small plane to get there. Lennon and his girlfriend were sat on the two seats beside us.

"This is fucking cool Lyla" Lennon said as he sat back taking Brees hand.

"Can believe you have yer own plane. Me dad dont even have hisown plane" Gene gushed as he got comfy.

"Its not my plane its my company's plane" I smiled.

"But you own the company dont you?" Marcus asked. I nodded.

"Well yes I do but that doesn't make it my plane. A lot of people use this for travel" I said.

"Either way it's fucking mint" Gene said with that funny smile he has.

I had gotten used to Genes swearing. It's funny because when Gene swears it sounds natural but Lennons swearing sounds forced almost because he sounded a little posher than Gene.

I lay back and closed my eyes as the plane was about to take off. The boys moved around after we were in the air and played cards and stuff.

"So what's this villa like then Lyla?" Gene asked.

"Its pretty big I think. I bought it a few years ago but I never use it. I never have time." I said smiling at him.

"Does it have a pool?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yes it's rather large if I can remember. It had a Jacuzzi aswell." I said.

"Oh man this is mega cool" one of Genes friends said.

"When's youre dad commin?" The other one asked.

"week today. He's got a few gigs in France and that to do, the last gigs in Spain. He'll probably ask us to go" Lennon answered.

"Can't wait to go shopping man, need some decent new clothes." Gene said.

"Your dad said were going shopping next week." I told the boys. Gene smiled.

"Thank fuck" he said as he went back to playing cards with his mates.




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Liked by Liamgallagher, Gregory_b and 532,567 others

Lyla_flickflack aesthetic airport shot taken by @gallagher_gene 📸😎

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Liamgallagher my rocknroll babe 💗


Bree_Kass Lyla r u spending some the suuuunssshhhhhhiiine? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Lennon.gallagher @Bree_Kass find some better banter 🤧


We got off the plain and headed out onto the streets of sunny spain. I always liked spain, it was always beautiful. We walked down the street and I took some photos as we walked.

"We can go for something to eat then we'll get a cab to the villa Ok?" I asked the kids. They all nodded.

"Thank God, I'm starving" Bree said. I loved taking city shots. I hadnt been around with my camera in so long.

We went to a small cafe that we seen and inside it looked Pretty. We had lunch and looked around the city again before we went to the villa. It was so lovely.

It was huge I forgot how amazing it was out here. I loved the place a few years ago but everything was so hectic that i didn't have time to come. I felt so brilliant being in the sun. I walked up stairs and put my bag down.

"i want the big room" I heard Gene shout.

"No, me and Bree need the big room" Lennon said playfully arguing with Gene.

"Everyone get settled in, and then tonight we can have some BBQ food." I said. They all nodded. I put my things on my bed in the middle room. As everyone figured out what rooms they were staying in.

Eventually Gene and one of his friends took the two rooms upstairs where the sunroof was. His other friend Marcus took the back room and Lennon and Bree got the big room.

After I got everything unpacked including Liams things I changed into my swim suit and went downstairs into the pool area and lay on the sunbeds and relaxed a book. I couldn't remember the last time I read a book.

I didn't have time for the relaxing things in life anymore. If I didn't have work I was always on tour with Liam. Not that I objected. I loved Liam even though we were always on the move.

I couldn't believe we would be dating almost a year in less then 2 months and yet we lived together.

I was winding down with my book when I heard the music play. I jumped a Little forgetting that the outside of the house had suround sound speakers. Some hip hop music came through them and suddenly Gene came running outside in his trunks before diving into the pool. I smiled as his other two friends followed him. I sat and watched them mess around in the pool. Before the back of my chair was lifted and I was dumped in the pool along with the 3 boys. I heard Lennon and Bree laugh behind me.

I screamed a little. Before laughing as they jumped in too.

"Lyla you're mascara is running" Gene said as i laughed and tried to chase him but it was no use. I got out the pool and grabbed my towel and watched the kids have a carry on before I went inside and changed the music. I put on The stone Roses and scrolled through my phone feed.



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liamgallagher Let's get down to business. As you were LG x

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Gallagher_gene OMG 😍😍😍 Yellow suits you so much, you should wear it more often, love youre music, come to Jamaica soon 🇯🇲

Lyla_flickflack @gallagher_Gene your sarcasm amuses me

Brian_fletcher_86 😎 cool

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