The holiday

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The week went pretty slow actually. I think I misunderstood how hard it was to care for 5 teenagers. With the heat making Gene fairly moody and his friends driving me mad because they decided the best way to deal with his mood swings is by pissing him off more.

Lennon and Bree were doing there own thing I didn't have to worry about them, but being the person I am and Lennon not Being my child all I did was worry.

I was flustered and stressed and to be honest I was glad Liam was finaly arriving tonight. I made a mental note to let him know I was stressed this week and to shake his hand at some point for doing this so many times on his own. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy the week. I did. I found myself getting to know the boys even more thought the visitors they had with them. However five teens all by my self for a week was definitely a no no for me in the future.

We were all getting ready to head to the venue. I had finnished my hair and make up when i got a call from home.

"Lyla?" Greg's voice came down the phone.

"Greg darling, is everything Ok?" i asked. He nervously laughed down the phone.

"Sort of." He said. I raised an eyebrow even though he couldn't see me and smiled.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Lyla, you have to come home on saterday instead of wedensday Love" he said.

"What, why?"

"Its completely my fault I'm so sorry, I never got the invitation too you but you've been awarded fashion icon of the year award at the BFAs. They have requested you be there" he said flustered. I sighed. I didn't much like the Fashion Awards but having not been to one on over 7 years I felt maybe I would have to cut this holiday short.

"Gregory. Take a breath. It's alright" I assured him.

"I am so sorry Lyla, I told your mum about it. I forgot you two weren't speaking at the moment and with the double studio bookings and then leading the editing team for the final draw ups, it slipped from my mind" he said.

"Look, I'll speak to Liam. When are the awards?" I asked.

"Monday, but on Sunday you have an interview for the show." He said. I understood completely. With Lauren and Charlotte both on holiday he was totaly in charge.

"If anything this is my fault Greg. I shouldn't have left you in charge of so much. I'll be there, don't stress" I said. He quickly wrapped up the conversation and I hung up.

I felt so terrible. I had left Greg I charge of so much and now I had to cut my family holiday short. Liam wouldn't be happy. I sighed leaving the room and walking downstairs to where the boys were all ready to go.

"What's wrong Ly?" Lennon asked. I looked at him and sighed. Lennon was good at reading people. He knew when they were upset or excited.

"I've got some bad news." I said. They all went I to panic mode.

"What's up?" Gene asked.

"Is me dad alright?" Lennon asked.

I hushed them, quickly remembering we had to leave soon.

"You're father is fine. I'm afraid I'll have to return home on Saturday though." I said.

"How come?" Lennon asked.

"I have an award ceremony that I forgot about until moments ago. My editor phoned and reminded me." I said. The boys looked Pretty sad but not totaly bumbed out. Not that I expected them to be.

"Can't you skip it or sommit?" Gene asked.

"Im afraid not. I'm sorry boys." I said they shook there heads.

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