smile // r

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"Anna, do I really have to be here?" I whined to my little cousin, who had dragged me along to her meet and greet with New Hope Club. Probably just to be the photographer.

"Yes, y/n, you know how much I just love Reece Bibby" she dragged out.

I sighed to myself looking around at the three boys, currently surrounded in girls. Eh, what a job.

"Oh my god, y/n, we're next" Anna screamed in my ear.

"Yay" I said sarcastically. I really didn't want to be here.

My little cousin suddenly ran up to reece, embracing him in a large hug.

"Hi Reece, I love you soooo much..." she started, never taking her eyes off him.

Holy fuck, just hurry up so I can take the picture.

I awkwardly spoke up, "Anna, do you want me to take your picture?"

She wrapped her arms around reece as he put his arm round her and smiled.


Finally, we can leave.

"y/n, how about you take a picture with Reece?" Anna asked, I'm going to kill her.

I felt bad as he awkwardly smiled so I went in, putting my hand on his chest as he leaned into me.

As I went in for a final hug, I heard him whisper, "You're Gorgeous, call me".

I was confused until he took my hand, scribbling something on it and I looked down at my hand.

'0277262292 :) rb x'

Lol this is a fake number. Hope you enjoyed! Love, aj x

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