alone in berlin // r

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You wandered round the streets, not lost, just a feeling of 'what the fuck am I gonna do now?'.

It must've been almost four o'clock in the afternoon, but how would you know because you left your phone at the hotel; on the floor of the hotel actually after you chucked it at your boyfriend Reece.

You were joining him on the European part of the tour and some kind of disagreement over the way he got on with a fan, ended up with you being completely alone in berlin.

You sat down on a park bench, somewhere in east berlin, overlooking a sea of grey bricks. Tears clouded your vision as you thought about the previous events only hours ago ;

"y/n, love, it's my job and I can't be mean, they're my fans and I owe them. You know I love you" he pleaded with you. He knew you weren't buying it.

"Save it, Reece, I've heard this crap from you millions of times. She pops up everywhere to see you and I know she's a fan Reece but sometimes I have my doubts" you explained to him honestly. You weren't screaming at him yet but If he continued to tell you all this bullshit then you really would lose the rag.

"She's just a fan, how many times do I have to say it, you know that I love you. None of this is my fault yet your blaming me for just doing my job"

"Oh so it's my fault?" You were now nearly shouting.

"y/n, Keep it down, the boys and the managers are next door" he warned you.

"Reece I don't give a fuck, this is about us an-" you stopped mid sentence before choking on a sob you didn't know you were holding back. He stepped forward to hug you but you stopped him by throwing an object at him. Your phone.

"Don't fucking touch me" you screamed while bolting out the door of the hotel doom. You angrily marched past the other boys and managers who were outside, clearly listening to your conversation.

You ran out the door and into the streets of Berlin, not knowing where it would take you. You just needed to get away.

You were still sitting on a bench for what felt like hours later. The sky started to turn a shade of navy and you knew it was getting late. Now you think about getting back to the hotel, you weren't quite sure what üban to take. Fuck.

You decided that sitting there feeling sorry for yourself wouldn't make everything okay again so you got up and walked. Not knowing where to though, it was better than nothing. You walked through the Brandenburg gate and saw two teenage girls chatting and looking in your direction. Before you could even get a good look at them, they approached you.

"Hi y/n" one of them said, they looked about 16, but you could tell they weren't german. "I'm Courtney and this is Erin, we came from London to see New Hope Club and we just recognised you. Are you okay?, you look pretty sad"

Their statement nearly made you tear up again as you thought about the previous events. " Yeah, love, I'm okay but you wouldn't happen to know how to get to the Menninger, I'm a little lost" you asked them, you were freezing at this point and desperate to get back to the hotel.

"Yeah, We can show you what train to get if you like?" You felt a wave of relief wash over you.

"Thank you, darling, that's so kind" you said. They began to walk you down to the train in silence before one of them brought up the question you were dreading.

"Why are you out here alone? Have you had a fall out with Reece?"

"Yeah" you stuttered, "We just had a little issue, it'll be alright though" you replied, not wanting to worry them.

"If it's about Christina, I wouldn't worry about her. We all know she's been throwing herself at Reece. But you two are stronger. You'll get through it. All the fans love you y/n"

You were stunned at how they automatically knew the situation and it suddenly hit you that you were a bitch to reece and you should probably apologise for over reacting, "Wow, uhm, yeah thank you I didn't even realise and I blamed him, I'm so stupid"

"No you're not y/n" Erin told you, "It's understandable how you reacted, but get on this next train and go tell him you love him"

You got the girls twitters and took a photo with them before thanking them for everything. You quickly dashed on the next train, shivering from the cold but excited to get back to him.

When you ran up the stairs of the train station and up to the hotel, you spotted him outside pacing back and forth, angrily talking to George.

You ran up behind him, hugging his waist and pulling him in from behind, "I'm so sorry baby, I love you, I shouldn't have said what I did, I love you"

You didn't realise the tears had fallen until he spinned you around and wiped underneath your eyes.

"It's okay angel, no more tears, let's go inside"

Based on another beautiful city and photo above is my photography. Ok this is really long but I kinda like it. Sorry if your names in the story btw, just change it lol. -aj x

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