too much // b (request!)

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Blake sat in the middle of the two boys in the office, pretending that he had the slightest interest in what Joe was saying to them.

"Okay, boys, so you understand that the tour is over the course of five months, you'll attend the rmas and vmas. We'll try to release Crazy and shoot the music video during gaps in the tour dates"

Blake nodded, not really knowing how to cope with all this information. But all he knew that it was getting a bit too much, and he wasn't sure how to handle that.

Blake sighed to himself, "Can I go now then?"

Joe nodded, although confused about his recent behaviour.

Blake immediately got up and left the office  not even waiting for his band mates even though they had plans to record a cover after this.

He could tell that they were shouting after him, wondering why he had run off in such a bad mood. But he didn't care. He couldn't deal with the pressure.

Blake made his way out onto the busy streets, hands shaking and vision blurry with tears. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, trying his best to click on your name.

"Blake? Hi babe" you chirped.

"y/n please. Can I come and see you" he said down the phone, at this point nearly crying.

"Yes, of course you can baby. Is everything alright?"

"No... I don't know, I'm coming now y/n/n" he spoke quickly.

Before you even had the chance to ask any further questions, he had ended the call.

Exactly 16 minutes after he first phoned you, your door flew open to reveal Blake, looking tired and stressed, bags under his eyes. He immediately attacked you in a hug, wrapping his arms around your neck and pulling you in closer to him. You were afraid to break the hug because he seemed so fragile.

When he pulled away, he noticeably had tears running down his cheeks.

"Oh baby, what's wrong?" You whispered, wiping your tears away with your thumb.

He couldn't even speak before more tears started rolling down his cheeks. You grabbed his hand and lead him up the stairs into your room. You sat on the bed and Blake sat between your legs. You ran your hands through his hair to soothe him and you patiently waited until he wanted to speak.

"y/n" he spoke up, his voice breaking.


"Do you ever feel like everyone's putting too much on your shoulders but you don't want to let anyone down?" He asked you.

"Oh Blake, it's okay to feel stressed. I'd be too in your position."

"But," he started, taking a deep breath, "I just feel selfish because I chose this life and now I just wish it would calm down but I don't think it will y/n/n".

You kissed his cheek to try and reassure him, "You're doing so well babe and it's okay to be struggling. Just take it one day at a time and don't be afraid to tell them that it's too much. I know you don't think it but they're here to help you, b"

He went silent after that, thinking it over in his head. You both lay there in the same place, watching the moon from the bedroom window, in a place where reality seemed altered.

"Thank you baby" Blake spoke again after a while, "I'm going to talk to the boys tomorrow. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you"

"No problem Blake, I know you'll sort something out. And I'm always here, whenever, you know that"

He turned around, slowly leaned in and kissed you passionately. Both too tired to take it any further, you two fell asleep, embraced in each other's  arms.
Hi! This was a request for cuddlesblake ! I hope you like it I'm going to Spain tomorrow btw so I'll probably write on the plane while I'm bored and upload while I'm there!
Oh and how good is Medicine😍 I love it but I'm kinda sad it's out because now I have nothing to whine about to the boys about 😂 -aj xxx

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