princess // b

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You felt your eyelids become heavy as you snuggled further into Blake's chest.

You and him were having a movie night with his mum and sister, who you adored. But you were on your third movie when yourself start to drift off.

Blake looked down and chucked at the sight of you, asleep in his arms. "I'm gonna take her on up to bed now, she's exhausted " he said, effortlessly picking you up bridal style.

"Night y/n" his mum whispered, as you lay fast asleep and as comfortable as ever.

Blake carefully brought you into his room, and placed you on the left side of the double bed. He kissed your head before bringing the covers round you.

After about 5 minutes of silence, you tossed and turned, waking up from the lack of contact between you and Blake. You realised he was downstairs and you could hear talking from the living room.

You tried to get back over to sleep, but failed, so you got up out of bed and sleepily pattered down the stairs.

Before you could get to the bottom of the stairs, you heard Blake speak up.

"I do though, I really think I love her"

You were literally speechless at his commitment, but you thought you'd wait a minute to see if the conversation progressed any further.

"She's really good for you, Blake, she's a keeper" his mum told him.

You felt rude eavesdropping on their conversation so you came into the living and headed straight for Blake. You sat down beside him but he immediately pulled you into his lap and started playing with your hair. You could see his mum and sister giggling over how cute it was.

"What's up baby" he whispered, "Couldn't sleep?"

"Just missed you" you yawned.

"It's late now, we should probably go on up to bed" Blake spoke up. He lifted you up, placing you on his hip as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Goodnight, lovebirds" his mum laughed.

He brought you into bed, pulling you closer to him as you instantly closed your eyes.

"Night Princess"


Hey! If you have any ideas for prompts or anything lmk! -aj x

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