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Scotland's POV:

"Okay so can we just kiss and make up because this whole 'us fighting and you accusing me of being a bad mom' is getting old" i said to Colby.

"Honestly can we because i've missed you" he said. I put Alex in her crib since she was asleep and went to kiss Colby.

"I'm sorry i left for three days and gave Hayes a ride."

"I'm sorry i said you were a bad mom, accused you of cheating, and brought up the whole Shea situation" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You do know that little secret of you and Shea that we've been hiding for years is going to be public? Meaning you and Shea are going to get hate when this show airs" I said.

"I know I wish I never bought it up. It was just a stupid mistake that happened when I was being irresponsible and drinking."

"I know."

"So when were you going to tell me that you're pregnant?"

"Colby I'm not pregnant" I said with a laugh.

"Then who's test was in the trash?"

"It was Hayden's" I said.

"Wait Hayden is pregnant? By who? How far along is she?" He asked loudly.

"Shhhh. Nobody knows and she doesn't want anyone to know yet. She only told me and she said to tell you because she didn't want you to think I was pregnant. But you can't tell anyone until she does. And she's 8 weeks."

"Okay I won't tell. But who is she pregnant by?" I got closer to him and whispered in his ear.

"Noooo. Are you serious?" He asked.


"What the hell? That's crazy. Oh my god he's going to be a dad?"

"Yes and I know that's one of your best friends Colby but you can't tell him until she does. She doesn't know how she's going to do it but she will and until then you need to act like you don't know" I explained.

"Okay I won't. I'm just shook. When did they hook up?"

"She said the day we filmed the hot seat video."

"We all went to eat after except for them two because they had to edit their videos" Colby said.

"Ya well my guess is they didn't edit their videos that day."

"Do you think him and you know who are going to break up?" he asked.

"I don't know. I don't even know if she's going to tell anyone else who the father is. I think she's just going to say she's pregnant and she doesn't know who the father is."

"Damn that's crazy. But oh my god Hayden is going to have a baby, she's going to be a mom" he said with excitement in his voice.

"I know i'm excited. I'm going to be a nonbiological aunt" i said.

"Who's having a baby?" Devyn said as she walked in the room.

"Colby's brother" i said.

"Awww tell your brother congrats. Hey Scott can i borrow some of your makeup brushes? I washed my eye brushes last night and they're still not dry" she said.

"Ya go ahead" i said. She went into the bathroom and came out with makeup brushes a few seconds later.

"I'll bring these back to you in like half an hour" she said before she left our room.

"My brother?" Colby asked.

"Well she obviously heard me say I'm going to be an aunt and she knows i don't have siblings so you were the next believable thing."

"Devyn is going to be so upset when she finds out who the father of the baby is" he said.

"I know. I think everyone is. They'll most likely be mad at both since he has a girlfriend that he's been with for a long time and she is good friends with both him and his girl."

'This is going to be a crazy few months" he said.

"Yup indeed it is."


"Hey what are you eating?" i asked Hayden as i walked into the kitchen.


"The classic pregnancy craving i see" i said.

"Shh. I don't want anyone to hear."

"Nobody is here except Colby. Everyone went mini golfing but Alex was asleep so we both stayed."


"I think Alex is going to be waking up soon. She's moving around" Colby said as he walked into the kitchen.

"I pumped earlier so theres some bottles in the fridge" i said.

"Can't wait for that" Hayden said.

"Oh ya congratulations" Colby said as he hugged Hayden.


"So when are you going to tell everyone?" Colby asked as he opened the fridge.

"I'll probably tell them tomorrow. I had the ultrasound today just to be sure and they told me i was 8 weeks. Do you wanna see the pictures?" she asked him.

"Ya" Colby said as he closed the fridge. Hayden pulled the pictures out of her purse that was on the counter and handed them to him. I walked over to him because i wanted to see the pictures too.

"Wow. How did you feel seeing this?" i asked Hayden.

"It just made everything so real" she said. You could tell she was really excited to be a mom but she felt so guilty for sleeping with a roommate who's girlfriend is one of Hayden's best friends.

"Hey you're going to be a great mom and yes his girlfriend is going to be very mad but that's just life" i said as i hugged her.

"I know. I'm just thinking of it the other way around. If she had gotten pregnant by my boyfriend i know i'd be pissed."

"I would be too but you can't let that kill your vibe. You created a human being, and ya the guy that helped you create it is your friend's boyfriend but don't let that keep you from being excited" i said.

"Ya and if they break up it won't be the worst thing. I mean i love her to death and think she made him happy in the beginning but now we've all been just waiting for them to breakup. She's just....immature" Colby said.

"Wait, you guys have been waiting for them to break up?" i asked Colby.



"I know but it is what it is" he said before he walked out of the kitchen.

"Okay well i'll tell the house tomorrow but i don't know if i'm telling him he's the father."

"Take your time. Don't feel the need to rush to tell him" i said before i went back to my room. Colby was falling asleep and i laid next to him and started scrolling on twitter when i saw Hayden tweeted.

@HaydenMatt: Tomorrow...big day

I smiled before liking the tweet.

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