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Scotland's POV:

"I'm so confused. I knew Sam and Hayden hooked up but you and Hayden did too?" i asked Corey.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" i asked him.

"Well when Sam, Corey and i went to San Francisco a couple months ago for an interview we might have hooked up that night but i really don't know" Hayden said.

"No you and i did" Sam said.

"Ya but i woke up in one of the bedrooms and Corey was right next to me."

"That's because i left to get food and Corey was having some intoxicated separation anxiety so i had to tell him to stay in that room" Sam explained.

"So Corey and i-"

"No you guys never did" Sam said.

"Oh thank god. Well congratulations" Corey said to Hayden before he left the room and went into the backyard.

"He did make out with a bartender though" Sam said.

"Wait i'm still confused. You said you guys hooked up after we filmed the hot seat video. You guys went to San Francisco like two days before" i said.

"Ummm the hot seat video was one of the first times" Sam said.

"How any more times were there?" i asked.

"4" Sam said.

"4?" i asked.

"You kept count?" Hayden asked him.

"How could i not? Those were 4 times that i betrayed Katrina" Sam said.

"Oh don't try to make it seem like this was my fault because it wasn't" Hayden said.

"You came onto me."

"What the hell you came onto me. And even if i did come on to you, you're a big boy you should know not to give in if you're in a relationship."

"I have the night of the hot seat on video" Sam said.

"You have what?" Hayden asked madly.

"Hey what's all the yelling about?" Colby asked as he walked into the house and closed the door behind him.

"Sam said he has the night we hooked up on video" Hayden said.

"What? Bro that's weird. Especially since she isn't your girlfriend" Colby said.

"It was by accident. I was filming something when she came in my room and i thought i stopped recording but i guess i didn't" Sam explained.

"And when you were editing the video you were filming you didn't think it would be smart to delete it in case anyone saw it?"

"I knew i'd need it at some point so i didn't delete it."

"Sam what if Kat were to see it or anyone actually? What if-" i started but got cut off by Hayden.

"I wanna see it" she said.

"What?" We all said.

"Well we can't seem to settle who came onto who so lets all go upstairs and see it" she said.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked.

"Ya lets go" Hayden said. The two started going upstairs but Hayden stopped and turned towards us.

"Are you guys coming?" She asked.

"Are you comfortable with us watching that?" I asked her.

"I heard you guys make Alex. I think we can call it even" she said.

"Alright then" we followed them upstairs and Sam went to his closet and got something from the top.

"Here it is" he said as he held up an SD card. He put it in his computer and we all sat on his bed.

"Here we go" He said. He pressed play and it started with him talking to his camera as if he were filming a regular video.

"Hey Sam are you busy?" Hayden said on the video.

"Just filming but whats up?"

"I just wanted to talk to you about something" Sam messed with his camera which i'm guessing that's when he thought he turned off the camera but didn't. He then sat on his bed and she sat right next to him.

"I was just thinking about San Francisco."

"What about it."

"How could we let it go that far? I mean you have a girlfriend and i was just being a whore"

"Hayden you were not being a whore. What we did was wrong but honestly I wouldn't take it back. You mean so much to me and i've kinda wanted to do that since i met you. You're stunning and amazing."

"Oh my god Sam it just got deep. But thank you for everything you just said" Sam smiled at her on the video before he leaned in and kissed her. Before we knew it they were going at it.

"Did Colby tell you about that or did you tell Colby about that?" i asked as I pointed to the screen.

"I think Brennen told both of us" Colby said. Real Sam paused the video.

"Like i said, you came onto me" Hayden said before she got up and walked out.

"I really don't remember it that way" Sam said.

"Hey everyone is looking for us" Hayden said as she came back in the room really quick.

Brennen's POV:

"Alright everyone so this is what is happening. Today is Scotland's 21st birthday and Colby's 21st birthday was a couple months ago. The whole group didn't really make an effort to throw either of them a huge party but that's because we wanted to wait till Scotland's birthday so we could celebrate both of their birthday's together. So i bought 6 bottles of Champagne and were going to spray them with them when they come outside right now. Colby thinks we're only getting Scotland and we're getting her later but we're getting her right now and Hayden knows so she's going to stall Colby and Scotland while me, Sam, Elton, Amanda, Corey, and Devyn get ready" I said to my camera.

Scotland's POV:

"Hey Elton wants you guys to bring the wine bottles in the fridge" Hayden said before she and Sam went outside. Colby and i went to the kitchen to get the wine from the fridge.

"There's no wine in here" I said.

"Someone probably already got it" Colby said. We walked outside and when we did Colby and i got sprayed with what smelt like champagne.

"What the fuck" i said.

"Happy birthday bitches" Brennen yelled once there was no more champagne.

"What the hell bro my birthday was months ago and you were just supposed to get her" Colby said.

"You knew?" I asked Colby.

"Happy birthday babe" he said before he kisses me.

"Aww a birthday champagne kiss how cute" Corey said.

"Now let's all drink some champagne" Elton said.

"Except to Hayden."

"Fuck you all" Hayden said. Brennen continued vlogging.

"So Scotland I have to ask what are you guys doing for your birthday tonight?" Brennen asked.

"Probably this" I said as I grabbed Colby's face and pulled him in for an intense but short make out session.

"That's my boy" Brennen said as he Bro hugged Colby.

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