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Scotland's POV:

"Can I get a water?" Hayden said to the waiter.

"I'll take a water too" Sam said.

"I'll actually take a bud light 16 oz draft please" Colby said before showing her his ID.

"And I'm sober driver so I'll take a Dr Pepper" I said to the waiter. She nodded before saying she'd be back with our drinks then walked away.

"So are you guys still planning to stay in the trap house or are either one of you planning to move out?" Colby asked Sam and Hayden.

"Well I don't plan on moving anytime soon especially not away from you two since you two already have a baby. I know how to take care of babies but I can always give the baby to their mom or dad and with this one I can't so I'm most likely going to be needing help and advice" Hayden said.

"Yeah and I know absolutely nothing about a baby so I'm not going anywhere either. Looks like you guys are stuck with us for awhile" Sam said. The waiter bought us our drinks before taking our orders and then leaving.

"Well we were going to tell the house together but I think we're closer with you two than we are with the rest of the house so we'll tell you guys now" I started.

"What? You're pregnant aren't you?" Hayden asked.

"No. We're moving to Malibu" I said.

"Wait what? You guys can't leave me. Malibu is like a 25 minute drive I can't drive over there everyday for 18 years" Hayden said.

"Chill. We found a house in Malibu that has 5 bedrooms and since the lease is up in a few months we figured we could all move into a new house" I explained.

"However there's only 5 rooms compared to our current house which has like 7 bedrooms so either someone is going to have to not move in or you two are going to have to share a room" Colby said.

"Well I don't see anything wrong with that. I mean we are having a baby together so I'm going to be in her room all the time or vice versa" Sam said.

"But what are we supposed to do about Corey and Devyn?" I asked.

"I don't know. I mean Corey is like one of both your best friends and Devyn is suddenly a bitch out of nowhere" Hayden said.

"Yeah and we wanna tell Corey to move in because we love him and he's our best friend but Devyn obviously hates both of us now so I don't think it's smart to continue living with her. It's just unfair to Corey. He has to get torn away from his friends because of her" I said.

"Yup" we got our food and continued conversing.

"So do you have any names yet?" Colby asked.

"Well for a boy I like the name Lincoln but spelt l-i-n-k-i-n like Linkin Park" Sam said.

"That's cute but not for a first name. Maybe a middle name" Hayden.

"Gawd dang it" Sam said before taking a sip of his water.

"Do you guys have any name suggestions that you don't plan on using for future kids" Hayden asked.

"Future kids you're funny" I said.

"You don't want anymore kids?" Colby asked.

"Sure. How bout they come out of your vagina this time" I said.

"Alrighty then. Um for a boy I really wanted to name him Colby jr" Colby said.

"Colby we are not naming our child Colby jr" Hayden said.

"Why not?" Colby asked.

"Well for one Sam's name isn't Colby so he wouldn't be a jr" Hayden explained.


"But I do like the name Colby. Mainly because Colby is my best friend and cause I've always thought the name Colby was a nice name" Sam said.

"Yeah no offense Colby but I wouldn't name my son that if I have a boy"

"Oh my god if you guys wanted the name Colby and end up having a girl you should name her Colby but spell it a different way" I said.

"Hmmm Colby as a girls name? I kinda like that actually" Hayden said.

"You could spell it c-o-l-b-i-e"

"But for a girl? That's more of a masculine name though" Sam said.

"Hey blonde boy my daughter has a what you call "masculine" name. Got a problem?" I said.

"Nope not at all"

"Good. Oh and another name I had for Alex was Briare Rose"

"Oh that's cute. I can tell you guys really wanted Rose to be her middle name" Sam said.

"Well Colby wanted the middle name Rose since I took away his first name privileges" I said.

"And if we had a boy we were going to name him Austin" Colby said.

"That's kinda plain though" Hayden said.

"No Colby wanted to name him Austin which is exactly why I took away his first name privileges. If he or she doesn't like their middle name then nobody has to know it" I explained.

"Okay but what if they don't like their first name?"

"Then they go by their middle name or find a nickname that correlates with their first name"

"This is probably going to be the most stressful thing that we have to think about for the next 7 months" Hayden said.


Corey's POV:

"Devyn I'm serious you can't be like that with Scotland and Hayden. They're your best friends" I explained to Devyn.

"No Corey they were my best friends. Till I found out Sam cheated on his girlfriend Kat who is my best friend with Hayden who knowingly knew what she was doing and continued to fulfill with it" she explained.

"Okay yeah we all know it was wrong and we all are completely upset at the fact that Sam not only cheated but with his girlfriends best friend but Kat told you she's not mad so why are you? Sam isn't your boyfriend so you can't really get mad at him for being a cheater. You can be disappointed but you have no reason to be this mad at him" I said. She looked down.

"Devyn? Why are you so mad at him?" I asked with suspicion in my voice.

"Because..." she started.

"Because what?" I asked.

"Because I've had a thing for Sam for the past 4 months" she said.

Trap House // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now