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Scotland's POV:

"Only I would get back from Vegas and literally be at the mall less than 5 hours later" I said.

"Yeah and only Sam and Colby would be exploring an abandoned place after they just got off a plane from Vegas" Hayden said as I parked the car. Sam and Colby wanted to explore a place for a video so Hayden and I decided to go to the mall to kill time while they do that.

"Let's go to Sephora first" I said. I took Alex's car seat out of the backseat and placed it on the stroller.

"Holy hell. Life lesson, if you have a baby in a carrier still then don't get a two door car" I said.

"Struggle to get the carrier out or what?"

"Yup" I threw a blanket over the carrier so the light wouldn't wake her up and then made sure I had my purse and diaper bag in the basket at the bottom of the stroller before we started walking.

We walked into Sephora I browsed around.

"Oh my god. Hayden and Scotland I love you guys so much" a teen girl said as she came up to us.

"Oh my god we love you more" Hayden said as she hugged her. Once Hayden let go of her I hugged her.

"Can I take a picture with you guys?" She asked.

"Of course" we posed with her and the guy she was with took the picture.

"Thank you guys so much. I love you both"

"We love you too girl" I said. She walked away and we kept shopping. We kept going through the mall to different stores and keep seeing fans. Over all it was a pretty fun mall trip. Or at least it was till some haters decided to mess with us.

Corey's POV:

"What do you mean you've had a thing for Sam for the past 4 months?" I asked as I sat up.

"I don't know"

"You don't know? How do you not know Devyn? Do you like him? Did you sleep with him?" I asked.

"No I didn't sleep with him. I just don't know what my feelings are towards him" she said still looking down.

"Devyn are you serious? Is this a prank?" I asked.

"Im sorry Corey. It's not a prank" she said. I got up from the bed and started to walk out of the room

"Corey where are you going?" Devyn asked.

"Don't worry about it"

"Corey if you leave I'll take that as our relationship is over" she said. I continued to walk out of the room and out of the house.

Scotland's POV:

"Scotland you're a bitch" some random girl said.

"Thank you" I said.

"Just ignore them" Hayden said.

"Hayden you're a slut. I see that baby bump" another girl said.

"Haha so funny" Hayden said.

"Alex is an ugly baby"

Oh hell no.

"Bitch why don't you fucking come over here and say it" I said as I took a started walking towards her but Hayden pulled me back.

"Scott it's not worth it. Alex is here and I can't fight either" she said.

"You're lucky my baby is here" i said before we continued to walk away. The girls surprisingly didn't follow us or continue messing with us so we decided to leave the mall and go to target. But as we were walking to the car my phone started ringing.

"Is that my phone?" I asked Hayden as I started unhooking the carrier from the stroller.

"I think so"

"Answer it it's probably the boys" I said as I started putting the carrier in the car.

"It's Corey. Hello Scotlands phone. We're leaving the mall about to go to target. Wait what? Yeah do you want us to pick you up? Okay I'll tell Scott we'll be there in a few minutes just send me your location" she said before she hung up.

"What happened?" I asked. I had already put the baby in the car and the stroller in the trunk.

"Corey and Devyn broke up" she said.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah he said he walked out of the house but forgot his keys so he's just walking around the neighborhood and wants us to pick him up and said he'll go with us to target"

"Oh shit. Let's go then" we quickly got in the car and started driving to the location that Corey sent to Hayden's phone.

Within 8 minutes we found Corey. Luckily we don't live far from the mall. Hayden got out of the car in order to let Corey get in the backseat then Hayden got in.

"Hey guys thanks for picking me up. Hi baby" he said saying the first part to us and the second part to Alex.

"Corey what happened? Did you guys actually break up?" I asked as I started driving to target.

"Well it wasn't an official like "were breaking up" but I think we did"

"So what happened?" Hayden asked.

"Well I was confused because how she's been acting with you and how she was so beyond pissed. Kat wasn't even mad so I was confused as to why she was so mad. So when I asked her she had this guilty face and then told me she's had a thing for Sam for like 4 months"

"What the hell? Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yeah. So I left and she told me if I leave she's taking that as we're breaking up" he said.

"Damn that's crazy"

"Im honestly pissed. Like she didn't cheat on me or anything but she's been into my best friend friend for months and never told me"


"I'm just over it dude. If you're not into me and you're into someone else then fucking tell me and break up with me. Don't waste my time"

"Right" we eventually got to target and shortly after the boys were ready to get picked up.

"Oh shit how are we going to do this? We have two boys and one available seat" i said.

"Ones just going to have to sit on someone's lap and hope we don't get pulled over" Hayden said.

"Well its a short ride anyway" Corey said.

"Corey don't yell at Sam for the whole Devyn thing. It's not his fault and he has enough stress already" I said.

"I won't. I'm not mad at him it's not his fault"

"Hey boys. We have a situation. Corey and Devyn broke up so we had to pick him up and now there's only one seat available so Sam sit on Corey or Colby's lap" I said.

"Wait what? You guys broke up yo this is going to be weird" Sam said.

"Oh my god. You guys are so annoying Colby sit in the front and I'll sit on Sam's lap" Hayden said as she got out of the car. Sam got in the back seat and Hayden got in after him. Colby got in the front seat and I got back in the car.

"So what you guys broke up? How? When? Why?" Colby asked. Corey explained the whole situation on the way home.

"Yoooo what? She's been into me?" Sam asked.


"Suddenly everyone is into Sam" Colby said causing us to laugh.

"Sorry dude you're not the hot one of the duo anymore" Sam said to Colby.

"Guess not" Colby said.

"So what you going to do Corey?" Hayden asked.

"I'll probably just crash in Elton's room while he's in New York then see what happens" he said.

"Alright then. Well home sweet mother fucking home"

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