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Scotland's POV:

"Honey Im home" I said as we walked into the house. In the room to the right when you first walk in there were studio lights and some random guy, Sam, Colby, and Jake Webber were sitting there with their heads down.

(A/n: Jake doesn't live in the trap house yet in the story).

"What are you guys doing?" I asked as we walked into the living room.

"They're being hypnotized you guys wanna do it too" the stranger in our house said as he shook our hands and introduced himself.

"Mmm no Im good I'm not gonna be on video unless it's titties and up" Hayden said before walking away.

"Yeah I'm gonna go find where this fucker left our child" I said before walking away. I'm assuming he left Alex with either Corey or Amanda if she's here. I went up the stairs to Corey's room and since his door was open I walked in and saw Alex asleep on his bed.

"Look at aunt Corey fulfilling with his aunt duties" I said.

"She's been asleep the whole time they've been filming"

"How long have they been filming?" I asked.

"About 20 minutes"

"Okay well thank you I'll take her now" I said. I picked Alex up trying not to wake her. I went to our room and put Alex in her crib before checking my social media like I do all day. I saw I was getting tagged a lot on twitter so I decided to see what the tea was on there.

@MadisonBeer: I only state facts. If I say someone is pregnant it's true.

I still don't know how she knows but whatever. She's probably just assuming.

@ScotlandBrock: @MadisonBeer and how could you possibly know the "facts?" You're not in our friend group and your ex boyfriend doesn't even talk to you. Not a credible source soz.

"Hey babe" Colby said as he walked into the room and sat on the bed next to me.

"How was being hypnotized?" I asked.

"It was alright. How was the photo shoot? Did you guys get mobbed?"

"No they like Deadass blocked the street pretty much"

"Damn. You guys are that big on social media?" He said with a laugh.

"I guess"

"So when is your last meeting for the big project?" He asked.

"Friday. That's when I sign the contracts and then I'm able to start everything"

"Damn that's exciting"

"It is. I can't wait. Hopefully it's a success" I said.

Friday: (after Scotland's meeting)

"Holy hell was that a stressful meeting" I said as I flopped down on the bed where Colby was giving Alex a bottle.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"It actually went good. Everything is set and I can talk about it now"

"Well I'm proud of you babe"

"Thanks. I'm so excited I think I'm gonna tell the roommates" I took Alex from Colby since she was done eating and went downstairs.


"For what?"

"I have something to tell you all" I said.

"Uh oh. Are you pregnant?" Corey asked as he walked into the living room.

"Why does everyone always assume someone is pregnant?"

"Because last two times we were all sat down on this couch someone WAS pregnant" Elton said.

"That's true. But no I'm not pregnant. But remember how I said on my live stream the other day that I had been working on something for months" I said and everyone nodded.

"Well im finally able to talk about it so I want to tell you guys that I am opening up a clothing store and brand in LA" i said.

"Wait what? Really? I thought you were planning a tour or something" Aaron said.

"Yeah. I already have the place and everything picked out. I just have to start hiring employees and wait for the clothes to come in" i explained.

"What's the name of it?"

"The name of the store is called 'Her name is Gravity'" i said.

"Wow. Are you going to tell everyone the meaning behind the name?" Corey asked.

"I have an interview in a couple days and I think it's about time I talked about it. But when I get the clothes for the store I need regular male and female models who will get paid" I said.

They all agreed to model except for Hayden obviously. I showed them the clothes I had ordered and they all liked them.

I'm really excited for this store. And I'm really excited to share a point in my life that I near spoke about.

Trap House // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now