Prologue: Alex will you...?

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            In the town of Westlake, Texas, Alex Jonas and her boyfriend of seven months, Chris Pine, went out for breakfast, and eating at Denny’s restaurant.

            Alex just got home from tons of interviews with her new friend Derek Hough and partner for winning Dancing with the Stars, and she was ready to just enjoy her first holiday dinner with her family, and Chris.  Derek was back home with his family for Thanksgiving.  But they both exchanged phone numbers to stay in touch.  They knew that after sixteen weeks, they had become best friends.

            Alex just flew in early, and Chris picked her up at the airport since he was going to spend Thanksgiving with her, and then he was leaving that weekend to go spend it with his family.  He offered to get her at the airport so that her family could sleep in, and would just wake up when they walked in.

            “Alex?” Chris asked.

            Alex looked up from taking a bite from her omelet of ham and cheese.  She finished her bite, “Yes.”

            Chris watched her, “Um, could we watch a movie when we get to your parents?”

            “Sure,” she smiled.  “I would like that.  It’s still early; mom might have started the turkey.  Everyone could be sleeping too.”

            “Great,” he smiled.

            “What movie did you want to watch?” she asked.

            Chris smiled, “I want to surprise you.  If that’s okay?”

            “Okay, sure,” she smiled.

            They went back to eating.


            Alex and Chris got to her parents house, they went in quietly, surprisingly mom was up, and Nick sitting down at the counter.

            “Hey,” mom said.  “Welcome home.”

            “Thanks mom,” Alex told her as they hug.

            “Welcome home sis,” Nick said getting up and smiling as they hug.

            “Hi Nick.  Thank you.”  She saw what was laid out in front of him in the counter seeing his meter, a glass of juice and a bagel.  “Are you okay?” she asked worried.

            “He was a little off this morning,” Denise told her.

            “I’m fine now,” he told her with a reassuring look.

            She side hugs him again and rests her head on his arm, “Mom, do you need some help?” Alex asked looking at the kitchen.

            “Nope, I’ve got it thank you.”

            “Nick, could you take Alex’s bag to her room please.  We want to watch a movie since we haven’t watched one in a while together in the theater room,” Chris asked.

            “No, I’ve got it.  That’s a lot of clothes, and I can do it,” Alex told Chris.

            “No, Alex, it’s fine.  I can take it up,” he told her with a smile.

            “Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure,” Nick told her and looks at Chris.  “Could I watch the movie with you?”

            Alex looks at Chris, “Could he?”

            Chris thought about it and smiled.  “Sure, why not.”

            “Great, I’ll be down in a few,” he smiled taking Alex bag, and went upstairs.

            “How was your flight?” mom asked.

            “Long, but I’m glad that I am home,” she sighed.

            “I bet.  I know your brothers have missed you.”

            Alex smiled, “I missed them too.”

            “How were the interviews?”

            “I’m glad that they are all done.  They’ll ship the mirror ball trophy here for me so I didn’t have to deal with it and carrying it.”

            “That’s fine.  When it gets here, your dad will make a shelf for you in your room if you want.  Or put it with the boys’ music awards.”

            “Thanks mom.  I’ll think on where I want it.”

            Nick comes back downstairs and grabs his bagel and juice.  “Mom, I’m going to finish breakfast in there.”

            “That’s fine.  Just remember to bring your dishes back.”

            “I will.”

            Alex smiles, “I’ll make sure he does mom.”

            The three goes to the room, and Chris looks through the movies that they have as Alex goes to the back row putting Nick’s glass and plate with his bagel in the next chair, and she sits down in her favorite chair.

After Chris picked which one he wanted to watch, Nick laughs, but didn’t say anything while putting it in.  Chris goes to sit down beside her, and Nick comes back to sit down on the other side of her, the movie started, and Alex knew right away what movie Chris picked.

Alex looks at him, “Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement?”

            “You told me that it was your favorite movie with me in it.”

            “Are you okay with it?” she asked Nick.

            “I’m fine with it,” Nick agreed.

            They sat back and watched it.


            Chris, Alex, and Nick were reciting the lines in the movie a few times, having fun, and Alex noticed that Chris was acting weird about something.

            Soon, when it got to Alex’s second favorite part of the movie which the ‘closet/mall’ scene, most favorite part of the movie when Mia was in the royal chair with her cat Fat Louie on a pillow, she started reciting Mia’s lines.

            “Louie, do you think I’ll make a good queen?” Alex said.

            “Indeed you will,” Chris told her as his character on the screen Lord Nicolas said his lines too.

            Alex watched Chris as he continued on with Nicolas’ lines, “If I may be so bold, I would like an audience with Her Highness.”

Alex watches the screen and then at Chris, “What is your dilemma, young man?”

You are, in fact.”

            Nick and Alex watches Chris stand up and kneels on one knee.

I am in love with the Queen-to-be, and I am inquiring if she loves me, too?”

Do you have a chicken for my table?” Alex asked puzzle why Chris is doing the scene.

No. No, my kitchen is empty of chickens.”  Chris then reached into his pants pocket, and pulls out a ring box.  “But I would love to have my princess’ hand in marriage.”  He then opens the box to show her a 24-Karat white gold band with a quarter inch round diamond with two small diamonds on the side of it.  “Alexis Isabella Jonas, will you please do the honor of marrying me?”

Nick smiles as Alex covers her mouth to look at her brother, and then back at Chris as Nick touches her shoulder.

Protecting Alex's Heart~ Part 3 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now