Ch. 6: The Mandy

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Chapter 6

            Kevin and Dani went onto their trip to the Bahamas.  Joe called Chris to tell him about Alex, which he was about to fly out, but Joe told him that she was fine, there wasn’t anything he really could do, but would keep him posted about Alex and when she gets home.

Joe even decided to call Derek and let him know too.  Derek told Joe that he was sorry, but to tell Alex that he hoped that she got better soon, and glad that she’s going to be fine, and to keep in touch on how she was doing.  He was worried that maybe the DWTS caused it, but Joe assured him that it wasn’t.

Nick and Alex played some card games or travel games that Joe brought for them to do, and he even brought Nick’s guitar to work on any songs that he wanted, or would just play some song or melody for Alex to just listen to.  He brought some romance books for Alex to read to give her something to do too, and her I-Pod incase Nick was napping, or went out for a bit to do some business that he had to talk about.

            A few days later, Alex was finally better, she got her strength back, and the doctor finally let her go home.  Alex made sure to keep busy and ate more so that she could gain her weight back.

When Nick came home, he went and unpacked his suitcase to put more gifts under the tree that he brought home from London.  Kevin and Danielle came back from their trip, also with gifts to put under the tree.  Nick, Kevin, Alex, and Joe even went shopping and decided to go get the holiday dish together to replace for Denise.

Soon, it was the day before Christmas Eve, Alex was trying to figure out what to get her brothers.  She already got each brother something, but she wanted to get them something together, but she didn’t know what to do.  She wanted it to be special and something that they would love her for.  The only person she knew that could help her with it was Denise.

            That afternoon, the boys were in the music room writing songs for their next album while Alex was in her room watching an old home movie that Denise sent her years ago as she was watching it, she saw this girl with the guys playing and having fun.  She remembered Denise told her about this girl, but she couldn’t remember.  But as she was watching the video, she knew that she’s seen a picture of the girl somewhere in the house.

            She soon shut everything off and went to go find Denise, who was in the kitchen making lunch.

            “Hey mom,” Alex said as she went to sit down at the island.

            “Hi dear,” she smiled.  “Did you rest?”

            “Yes I did, but I have something to ask you.”


            Alex sighed, “I want to get the boys something together as a present, but I don’t know what to get them.”

            “Well, lets see…  What did you get them already?”

            Alex looked back at the stairs and the hallway before she spells out what she got using American Sign Language to Denise what she got each of her brothers incase they were by the stairs from the music room.

            “Okay, well… let me think.”

            “Now, I know that you said something about this girl in your letters that was in the DVDs that you sent me…”

            “Oh my gosh, it’s perfect,” Denise smiled and quietly says, “Mandy VanDuyne.  They haven’t seen her in years.  That would be a wonderful gift.  She would so be happy to meet you and see the boys again.”

Protecting Alex's Heart~ Part 3 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now