Chapter 1- My First Day

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Blair's P.O.V.

This is the first day in over 3 years that I'll actually feel like a normal teenager. For 7 hours a day I can pretend like I'm not dying. Today's my first day of high school. Yeah I know it's surprising that someone who is dying would choose to go to high school, but it's something I want to do before my life ends. It's something I need to do.
My mother disagrees with me on just about everything. When I was diagnosed with leukemia, it was the summer before high school. I was so excited about high school, just like every middle schooler was. I took the diagnosis hard, really hard. I stopped contacting my friends, except for Liana.
Liana is my best friend, we've been best friends for as long as I could remember. She helped me make my bucket list, she's my everything. I seriously don't know where I'd be without her, she's my Frick to my Frack, cheesy, I know.
So here I sit in my mothers car on the way to school, It should really be interesting for me to try and get around because from what I've seen on the outside it looks huge. My mom is subconsciously tapping her fingers on the steering wheel, she does this when she's nervous. I understand why she is, she's been by my side for over 3 years and now suddenly I am going to be gone for 7 of the 24 hours in a day.

"Mom I swear, I'm going to be fine you seriously need to stop worrying so much, your going to get more wrinkles."
And my reward for saying this is a death glare.

"Blair, don't you dare sit there and tell me to calm down when my baby is going to be leaving me. Also how dare you say that, I don't have any wrinkles!"

"Ma, calm down. I love you, everything is going to be okay, I'm meeting with the principle to go over stuff incase an accident happens with me or something. It's all under control. I promise. Goodbye love you."

"Okay, I'll never worry enough for you, bye love you!" She rushes out while I'm getting out of the car.

Okay I'll admit, this is kind of intimidating walking up to this big high school. I mean I have Liana to help me but I want to do this on my own. No I have to do this on my own.
I know what your probably thinking. Can't everyone tell that you have cancer because you have no hair. Actually I have a wig so it's not obvious at all unless you read my records, like the nurse and principle.
People are staring.
I mean I guess I should've expected this but they are full on staring at me with confusion. Luckily, I texted Liana to meet up with me so she can take me to the principles to go over safety procedures and get my schedule.

"BLAIR!!! Omg I'm so happy you're here! Let's get going to Mrs. Pace office before there's a huge line." Liana tells me while she engulfs me in a bear hug.

"Okay, okay let's get going."

"B, I really am glad you are here. This is going to be awesome!"

"Lee, I honestly hope so. People are looking at me like I'm Jennifer Lawrence, not that I wouldn't like to be her but seriously what the hell is that all about?"

She nods at me because she saw the way people were staring at me too.

"Well B, don't forget you went to school with some of these people so it might've felt like they were seeing a ghosts. For the others, well for a girl battling leukemia you're hot, so I can only assume that's why they are looking at you."
Not really sure how to respond to that because I'm not even close to being hot. I look like a dad. No joke, I have huge under eye circles from being tired. I walk funny -from having leukemia-. I'm a hot mess I guess.
Finally we get to the principles office, the inside of the school is nice enough, it looks clean, which mom would like because it's good for my health.

"Hello, you must be Blair, I'm your principle Mrs. Pace. It's so nice to meet you." She says while holding out her hand.

Shaking her hand I reply "Yeah me too, it's great to be here."

* * *

"So I believe those are all the safety procedures you'll have to follow in case of an emergency. Your first class is gym, I assume ms. Armada can escort you to it, you are a little bit late so I would get going." Mrs. Pace says while giving me a bright smile. I think I'll enjoy my time here, with these people.

"Thank you so much again! This seems like a great school, much different from being home schooled."

"Enjoy your senior year darling! See you soon, have a nice first day, you too ms. Armada." She says while shaking my hand goodbye.

"Alright, she wasn't bad at all, I think I'm going to like it here." I grin at Liana.

"Oh knowing you, you will, you're a nerd." She giggles and bumps shoulders with me.

I miss the feeling of being a normal, healthy teenager with nothing to worry about except my social life and grades. I do believe everything happens for a reason. Maybe there is a huge significance behind me get leukemia. Maybe, just maybe I will have something to live for.

I didn't even notice but we were standing in the gym, obviously I was late because kids were already playing dodgeball.

"Well this is it, I got to get to math, so I'll see you later! Go to the gym teacher, tell him you're here and he'll assign you a partner! Love you" she says while walking away waving with a huge smile on her face.

Okay, I guess, here goes nothing.

Once again I'm awkwardly being stared at by basically the whole gym. They probably are all interested in me because they believe I'm an enigma, I am although quite un-extraordinary.

"Hello my names, ugh, Blair Quently. I'm new here." I tell the only adult in the room who I assume is my teacher.

"Ah. Yes. I'm Mr. C. I've been waiting for you to get here. You are going to be paired with Max Richards. He's kind of, ugh, I don't know, shy? Un talkative? So please just try to handle him nicely."

I laugh at him. I've never heard of someone who doesn't talk? What the heck could make the kid so unfriendly?I give my teacher a face that I assume would look like I was asking 'where the hell is he?'

He points over at a boy with his head faced down in his lap, is he reading in gym class? Wtf?

Slowly, I walk up to him, I have a feeling that I think he is worse than he actually is. He has really nice curly brown hair from what I can see. This should be interesting.

I lightly tap him on the shoulder, he mumbles something incoherent.

"Ugh, Hi I'm Blair your, ugh new gym partner. Max right? We'll I'll have you know it's kind of rude to not look at me while I talk. You know what they say when someone talks to you, you should look them in the ey..."

Maybe he shouldn't have looked up because I seriously can't think of one word to say, all I can think about are his beautiful blue piercing eyes looking straight at me.

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