Chapter 10- You can thank me later.

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Max's P.O.V

I crack open my eyes just a little and am attacked by the rays of the sun. I groan and fling my arm over my eyes and hear someone moan beside me, I just whacked Blair with my hand, oh well. Then I remember, everything that has happened last night, her perfect body, the way we fit together perfectly, almost like we were the last parts of a puzzle, and you get that euphoric feeling that you finished or in my case found your future.

I still have yet to get the images of last night out of my head, and I think to myself at how stupid I was to want to plan everything about losing our virginity. I don't think it would've been as good as last night if it was planned you know?

I guess you can say Blair and I are a spontaneous bunch.

I'm in the mood for lucky charms...

"What the hell? Do you seriously talk to yourself every morning like this?" Blair asks.

"Erm, I didn't mean to say that out loud but yeah, I think of my breakfast all the time." I smile cheekily.

"Your to cute for your own good." She rolls on top of me.

This is the moment where I have morning wood and it's currently poking her ass, not awkward at all...

"I assume that happens every morning too?" She asks.

"Now it does, you know you were the first thing on my mind this morning, scratch that, it's every morning." I tell her honestly.

"Well I guess I could say the same, baby." I go to give her a kiss but she pulls away.

"What the hell?" I ask her and pull her waist down so she's sitting on me again.

"I need to brush my teeth."

"Ugh, no you don't." I correct her.

"I seriously do. Just let me go."

"Not a chance." I pull her down and kiss her, because I love her.


"You enjoying your lucky charms?"

"Indeed I am." I say with my mouth full.

She bends over and completely distracts me because she's giving me a very nice view but then I notice she's stealing my marshmallows from my cereal.

"Are you serious?" I ask incredulously.


"You better run babe."

"I'm on it." She yells, running away in her duck slippers that are so damn adorable on her.

"IM GOING TO FIND YOU!" I yell, "right after I finish my cereal, that is."

A few minutes later I finish my huge bowl of lucky charms and I'm out on a hunt for the girl who has captured my heart.

"Babe, come out, come out wherever you are!" I half yell.

I turn to make a right when I bump into someone.

Her mom.

"Hi Mrs. Quently, how are you?"

"I'm doing good. I can see you looking for my kook of a daughter, can't say I've seen her but check the closet in her bathroom. She seems to always hide there during these silly games."

"Thank you so much, have a great day." I say, hoping I'm charming enough for her mothers taste.

I rush up the stairs and walk slowly and quietly into the bathroom.

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