Chapter 3 - Hit's me like bricks

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Blair's P.O.V.

After the first week of school I was officially drowning in homework. School is actually alright, with the help of Liana and Max of course. Never in my right mind did I think that I would meet someone like Max.

Max is a great guy, apparently Liana begs to differ. Liana's worried for me because she finds it peculiar that he all the sudden started to talk to me when he's never tried to communicate with really anyone else.

I get why Max stays to himself, you can trust yourself, and if you're lucky sometimes you can trust another person. Max doesn't talk about himself a lot, and neither do I. In some ways Max and I are similar, but in other ways we differ.

I still have yet to tell Max about me having leukemia and most likely dying in a year or so, hopefully he doesnt take it too hard. I understand if he chooses not to talk to me i mean why would you want to get close to someone who will most likely die soon? There's no logic to it, but it's his decision on what to do.

I've come to except what will happen to me, people worry about me being so open with it, like my mother. My mom wants me to fight but really? I have nothing left to fight for, except for her of course but she'll be okay without me.

It may be unsettling for some people, that I talk about dying so openly, especially Liana. Liana understands that after this year and after I fulfill everything on my bucket list, that my fight against leukemia is over. She understands but won't accept it, I think she's hoping that something will come along that will make me want to stay and fight. Honestly though, I doubt that I will have anything worth living through the pain for.

Tonight, I'm attending my first high school party with Liana and Max. Not going to lie but it took some convincing to make Max come with me, he claims he isn't really big on the party stuff. I intend to tell him about my problem soon, just not too soon. I want him to get to know me first before he pity's me, I despise pity.

What the hell do you wear to high school parties? Liana is going to pick me up in 30 minutes and I still have no damn clue what I'm wearing, great.

All the sudden my door to my room is flung open and I spin around so fast I could've gotten whiplash. To say I was surprised was an understatement. Luckily it's nothing to worry about just Liana, early as usual.

"Hey, I knew you'd have some trouble getting ready so I came early, hope you don't mind." She smiles. She's a life savor, I probably would've embarrassed myself if she wasn't here to help me pick something out.

To my surprise and seriously my surprise she pulls out a short skirt, it's probably from 8th grade, and a skin tight shirt. Finally I look down at what she's wearing and it's around the same thing just she's wearing a tight dress and high heels.

She obviously notices my wide eyes and decides to calm me down by saying "It's seriously not as bad as it looks, you should see what the other girls wear, compared to them you'll look like a saint in this."

I roll my eyes, she got to be kidding me. "I'm only doing this because i have no clue what to expect so don't think I'll be wearing something like this to all the parties."

She nods "Okay, let's get this show on the rode though, it already started!"

"Alright give me 5 minutes."


So this is everything I expected a high school party to be. Loud music, beer everywhere, oh and let's not forget the grinding kids on the dance floor. I'm not even sure what I should be doing except drinking alcohol, which I have to limit myself too.

Max has yet to show up, hopefully he'll show soon, it's getting boring really fast just standing here doing nothing except watching kids basically have sex with each other on the dance floor.

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