Chapter 14- You get me?

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Max's P.O.V.

I'm exhausted.

I just want to lay in bed forever, that sounds miraculous right now.

It feels like Blair and I are constantly fighting a countless battle. She wants to stop fighting when I want her to start.

Schools been even worse, college is right around the corner and I have to pick a school to attend. I can get into anywhere I want, what matters is where Blair is or goes.

Thankfully Blair let's me drive her car to school, it's basically my car now because she never uses it. Stepping out of it, I hear Collin saying my name.

"What's with the glum look, dude?" Collin says to me while I get my backpack and books from the back seat.

"Don't even start." I grumble.

"You on your period, did you get a tampon stuck up there or something?" He laughs with Austin because they think they're so fucking funny.

"Not in the mood." I push past them.

"If so contact a doctor immediately!" Him and Austin yell as i walk away, I wave them off because they're idiots. Remind me why I'm friends with them again?


The second I'm about to get into my first period class, which happens to be economic, the worst of all classes, I'm ambushed by a flock of girls. I've seen them around they are pretty much all hot but now i could care less, especially with the mood I'm in.

"Hey there handsome." One of the many girls says. She has long blonde hair and in the past I would've thought she was hot but now i have Blair.

"And you are?" I ask gesturing to the 6 girls surrounding me.

"I'm Amber, the girls behind me are irrelevant at the moment, they just followed me." Well that was insanely rude.

"Well, Amber... If you don't mind I'm going to get to class now." I tried to get away as fast as possible but she halted me to a stop by putting her arm on my shoulder.

"Max, wait." I hesitantly turn around to her face which i now notice is covered by a shit load of makeup, I don't think Blair has ever worn that much in the whole time we've been dating. Hell I'm not even sure if she wears that crap.

"Yes, Amber." I huff out trying to finish this coversation already.

"I haven't seen you and your girlfriend around lately so is it over between you guys or something, I can give you my number. I promise I'll make you forget she even exisited, or is she dead already." She tires to huskily whisper in my ear.

Okay wow, I'm going to punch someone in the face today. Not many people know about Blair's cancer so I don't know how the hell she found out, but if I found out who told her I'm going to kick their ass.

Pushing Amber back, I decide to put this bitch in her place, because i know Bliar would sure as hell do it but unfortunately she isnt here at the moment.

"Well, Ashley I'll have you know that Blair and I are still going strong, and will continue to be. You see I'd never choose someone who throws themself at a taken man over someone who is ten times more beautiful than you and has self respect for themselves. So how about you crawl back to whatever hole you came from." I seethe through my teeth begging god not to make me punch her in her god damn clown face.

She stomps her foot on my foot and screams "FUCK YOU,DICK."

"Sorry my dick's reserved for Blair only, and you wish you'd be able to fuck me." I laugh in her face, while her's turns bright red.

That's when i notice a huge group of people have circled us, they've watched everything that's happen. I hate crowds. At the moment I'm not bothered by it though.

"Well Ashley, I'll be on my way now." The last image of her, is her face crimson red.

"MY NAMES NOT ASHLEY." I burst out in laughter because I was hoping it'd eventually piss her off.

Plan = Success


The rest of the school day was uneventful until I spotted a guy leaning against Blair's car-The car I've been using- he seems like a jock, maybe a football player?

"Sup man." The guy whom I've never talked to in my life nods at me, like we are best buds, he's probably friends with Collin for all I know.

"Uh hi." I reply awkwardly.

"The names Tyler but you can call me Ty, I just wanted to tell you how cool it was for you to stand up agianst that ruthless bitch today. My girlfriend, Fae, not sure if you know her or not but in the past, before my relationship with her I've gotten with Amber before and she threw it all in Fae's face. I wasn't there to handle it but i've confronted her about it in the past but you did it publicly and Amber deserves to be embarassed infront of everyone. She's had it coming for awhile, you'll practically be a legend to everyone." He grins at me.

"Well I'll be happy to do it again, but my girlfriend might beat me to it." I tell him, I laugh about it now but once I tell Blair she'll probably become a pitball and forget all about her illness.

"It's nice to meet you, Max. I picked up your name from the conversation with Amber, not a stalker dude." He puts his hands up in surrender.

"Alright man, I got to get home to my soon to be crazy girlfriend." I move towards the driver's seat.

"Sounds fun. Good Luck with that, I've been there enough." He rolls his eyes, laughing, before walking away.

He walks towards some girl who looks familiar, must be Fae. She has very long brown hair, A huge smile is plastered on her face, but she doesn't seem like the type of girl a jock would necessarily go for, but then again Ty seems like a good dude.


As soon as i pull into the driveway of Blair's house she has the door open, waiting for me because I'm sure she can't move much futher without experiencing pain.

I jump out of the car and jog up her long ass pathway to her house, when you have a huge house, you have a huge property, it's inconvenient in these situations.

"I'm sorry babe." She repeats over and over.

I carefully lift her in my arms and put my head in the crook of her neck breathing her scent, that i love so much, in. She wraps her legs around my waist and I shut the door behind us.

"I need to tell you some stuff baby." She instantly stiffins in my arms.

"You're scaring me." Obviously she's trying to warn me, but I need to tell her about Amber.

"Well first I'm so sorry about everything that happened this morning, it was never my intention for things to go as they did, I guess I just lost my mind for a few minutes. Secondly, something happened at school."

"okay..." She drags it out so I know she's nervous as to what I'm about to tell her.

"So it all started when..."


After telling Blair the story I finally lift my eyes to her.

"I don't have a clue who this bitch Amber is but when I do, she's going to wish her mom took the one day after pill." Bliar's clenching her fist so hard that she may break her fingers because they've gotten so damn fragile.

"Baby." I pull her fingers out of a fist and link them with mine. "I put her in her place so don't worry about it. Just know I love you no matter what, you get me?"

"I get you." She nods and brings my lips to hers.

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