Chapter 2- Caught off gaurd

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Max's P.O.V

"Max Honey, it's time to get up." My mom says from my door way.

The infamous first day of school! Oh it's my favorite day of the year.

"Alright, shit I'll be down in a minute." I groan at my mom and put my pillow on top of my head.

School is purgatory, not the working part, the people part. I don't do well with people, I'm known as the anti social weirdo in my school. Cool, oh I know.

I honestly could care less what they think, it's just annoying to have guys laugh at you because you don't play football like them and the show winner, because you're a virgin.

If I wasn't so afraid of messing up my chance at college I'd bang their heads in, unfortunately though I need to get away from here so I can get the hell out of this house.

"Alright mom, I'm going to school, I'll take the car. Just hand me a granola bar or something please."

"Yeah sure thing, have a great day hon. Love you!"

"Mmhm, love you too."

I really do love my mom. She does so much for me, it's my father who's the asshole, I'm not even going to bring that prick up again.

I seriously just want to get this shitty day over with, I hate the first day. On the first day everyone is so cheery because they missed everyone and blah blah blah. It's all fake bullshit, at least I'm being real.

I have a few guy friends from my childhood, Luke, Jake, Austin, Shane, and my best friend Collin. I've been friends with them since I was an obnoxious child; I don't socialize with really anyone else.


While walking into school I am given some questioning looks, I'm honestly used to it by now. Lucky for me I have gym next period, just kidding I'd rather have North West thrown at my head. Not sure if Kanye and Kim would be okay with having their daughter thrown but still, you know what I mean.

I don't even participate in gym, it's foolish to even have it as a class considering there is so much work to be done in high school. I do track not football, soccer, or baseball. I don't like anything dealing with balls, you probably just took that sexually but it works both ways.

"Ah Mr. Richards, how nice of you too join us."

"Always a pleasure Mr. C." Giving him my best imitation of a real smile.

"So, I have to ask are you going to participate this year, or are you going to be insubordinate?"

"I think I'll go with, insubordinate." I say while laughing.

Mr. C is an unagitated person. You can do nothing in his class and pass with flying colors as long as he likes you.

"So with that being said I'll be over there." While telling him this I point to a spot in the corner. I basically read every gym class, I've never really participated unless I had too.

After plopping myself on the floor I decide to take out a book called The Fault in our Stars. It's all my mom and cousin have been raving about, so I decided to read it myself. The books about a girl and boy who have cancer and they help each other grow, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It'd be an honor to be able to change someone that way, I hope I do change someone's life, through out my lifetime.

I'm lost in the book when suddenly I feel someone tapping me, wait who could be tapping me? I hold up my finger and mumble "Wait a damn second." A couple seconds later I look up abruptly, and come face to face with probably the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen in my life. I'm taken aback for a few seconds and she seems the same way, so I take this time to examine her. She's got gorgeous hazel and yellowish eyes, long light brown hair, huge rack, and small physique. She starts rambling about me probably not wanting to be partners with her and blah blah blah. I decide to save her from embarrassing herself anymore and say

"You know it's fine. Yeah we can be partners, are you new to this school because I think I'd notice you if you've been going here all your life?" I give her my best smile, normally I'd be a total prick to her but her face is too innocent? I'm really not sure what it is about her but she's too beautiful to be rude to.

"Precisely, but I have lived here my whole life, I've just been homeschooled since high school." I nod indicating I understand, while she gives me a shy smile.

"Well your very pulchritudinous." She gives me a questioning look "yeah you'll have to look it up if you can spell it, I'm not going to make it easy on you." I say while smiling flirtatiously at this girl, oh shit i don't even know her name. Wow. I'm a dumb ass.

I scratch the back of my head awkwardly because I feel rude I didn't ask earlier but better than never right? "So what's your name, you enigma." I laugh because I'm a total loser, I have no clue how to talk to girls, because well I barely do.

"The names Blair, my friends call me B, but I mean I wouldn't expect you to call me that since we aren't really friends, but really you can pick whichever you want." Good to know I'm not the only nervous person here because that rambling totally gave her away.

"I think I'll call you, my enigma." I say confidently.

She nods.

"Well I guess since it's gym class we should go participate in the lovely game of dodge ball." She says smiling widely.

She has a beautiful smile, not going to lie.

"Warning you right now. I'm pretty atrocious at sports so you may consider changing partners." She says while laughing

Geez, why does everything about her have to be perfect. I'm a mess over here.

"I wouldn't count on it, plus I'm horrendous too. Looks like we will stink together, huh?"

She laughs again. I could get used to that laugh.

We walk up to these two boys, who I have no clue what names are, but they seem okay. She says hi to them and suddenly our game is going.

I really have no clue how to play but I better give it a shot, I mean what could happen?

I run to get a ball and pick it up except while I'm getting up something is chucked at my head. What the fuck? I fall over and Blair comes over laughing her ass off.

I spoke way too soon about something not happening.

That dick just chucked a ball at my head! Is that even legal?

"And this is why I don't play any damn sports" I grumble.

"Oh my god, you should've seen yourself! That's was so hilarious!" She breathes out, clearly out of breath from all her damn laughing.

I give her the death glare and she laughs more. Then out of nowhere I start laughing and everyone's looking at us like we are aliens, truthfully I don't care what they think.


After a long period of attempting to play dodge ball with Blair we are finally done. I'm walking out of the locker room when Mr. C comes up to me

"I thought you said insubordinate? What made you suddenly change your mind?" He says while smirking at me.

"Are you kidding me? Tell me you'd say no to her!" I defend myself.

"I wouldn't say no to her and that's exactly why I paired you guys together because I knew she'd get you to participate."

"You know Mr. C, you're really stepping it up with your teaching skills." I wave him off while i go to find Blair, I promised her I'd help her find her way around. To be honest I'm not complaining at all.

I think I could get used to her and maybe I'll make an exception for gym class too, it may not be so bad after all.

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