》1• H e 's C u t e

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"When you meet someone for the first time, that's not the whole book. That's just the first page."


Nishanth's pov:

"Yes, Mam. You're order will be in 10 minutes. Anything else you'd like to have?" I asked my customer who just ordered Cheese sandwich along with black coffee.

"Nothing else. Thank you, Nish." She replied back. I've been working here since 2 months and I've been favourite of all.

I smiled and went to the kitchen.

"Mark, One cheese sandwich and black coffee." I yelled at chef mark, who's a great friend of mine.

"Ok, Nish."

After about some 10 minutes, I placed the order on the Mary's table.

"It smells awesome like always." Mary winked at me and I smiled at her.

She left after paying.

Just then, A group of 4 girls enetered. Each one were pretty, ofcourse hot.

They all sat on the table, where the background was the theme of blue and white marbles. There was decorative light hanging on the top. The table was consists of red roses cover, which was kept over the table.

There was a candle in the between. Besides, there was a red rose which was kept in the glass.

I went near them and took out my order book and placed the Menu card, infront of the girl who has long hair and a camera was hung over her neck.

"Welcome to Steaming mugs cafè. What are your orders mam?" I asked them. Everybody looking like a bullies. I've seen many.

"Oh, hello! We're many people over here and your asking order to Sejal? What's the matter, boy?" A girl asked, her hair was till the shoulders.

"Shut up, Nithya." Sejal said and glared at her friends. She smiled at me and continued, "Umm . . . What are the specials in your cafè?"

"Ginger tea and chocolate brownie, Mam." I said, Looking at her.

"Perfect. So, One Ginger tea and chocolate brownie." Sejal said and I nodded and wrote in my order book.

"Umm . . . I want a chocolate mouse along with cold coffee." Another said. I nodded and wrote.

"One green tea and cheese sandwich."

"Cappuccino and chicken burger."

"Okay, Mam's. You're order gonna come in 25 minutes. Anything else?" I asked.

"No thanks." Nithya said and I rolled my eyes.

"Mark. These are the orders." I said and he started to prepare the items.

After exact 25 minutes, I placed the orders infront of Sejal and others.

"Hey! Out of all girls in our Gang, Why did you put our orders in front of me?" Sejal asked me. Everyone are same, Nishanth.

"Yeah. Why did you?" Her other friends asked. Bitches.

"Mam, You're sitting in the middle -" I was cut off by Sejal, who kept her palm infront of my face to stop. I closed my mouth and looked at her, "Sorry."

"It's fine. . . Get the bill." She said rudely and went back to get the bill.

This time, I gave the bill to Nithya.

"I'm the one who's paying the bill. Why aren't you giving me the bill?" Sejal asked rudely, folding her arms around her chest.

"It's because, you bloddy saying me, 'Why are you only giving me?' Blah . . . Blah!" I snapped at her rudely and everyone looked a bit back off. I smirked.

"Umm . . . Sorry." Sejal and other apologised me. Their expression is priceless.

I burst out laughing. "I was just joking, ladies. Chill."

"Thank you and sorry." Sejal said and I smiled.

I took their eaten items and went. While going, I heard someone telling in their group, "He's cute."


A u t h o r 's  N o t e •°•

Hey everyone !

That's the first chapter ♡

Hope you like it ! xD

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