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Your mine, And I'm yours, forever

N I S H A N T H  P O V

After 4 years. . .

"Sejal, Baby, We're gonna get late." I said, to Sejal who's been busy, applying her lipstick.

Today is Riya and Kabir's reception. Day before yesterday their wedding was done and today their's reception. It's been 4 years since, we got married.

"Hold on, hunkie. I'm coming." She said and I rolled my eyes and wore my shoes. She calls me hunkie, since our wedding.

"Daddy, Are we gonna meet Priyansha also?" My 2 year-old son, Ayana, asked me. I laughed. He was wearing a little blue tuxedo.

"Yes, Bub. We're gonna meet priyansha and priyansh." I said and he giggled.

Priyansha and priyansh are twins of Maya and Ayush. Priyansh is very, very protective of his little sister, priyansha.

"What about, Shraddha?" Sejal asked, coming out of our room, Clutching her bag.

"Mommy, How can I forget sharddha?" Ayan asked and we all chuckled. Ayan loves shraddha like a sister. These 3 ladies, I mean, Nithyansha, Sejal and Maya set their pregnancies same day and everyone born at the same day. Ayan and priyansh are elder. Then, Shraddha and then Priyansha.

"Let's go. Eh?" I asked and everyone nodded. We 3 got into my car and we drove to the avenue.

We reached there on time. Arush and Maya were looking happy and lit in their reception.

"RIYA BABY!" Sejal yelled and rushed to her friend. Damm! I went to Kabir and gave him a hug.

"SEJAL, BABY!" Riya yelled back and hugged her tightly. Me and Kabir chuckled.

Maya and Nithyansha came from no where and joined in their madness.

Ayan, priyansh, priyansha and Shraddha were sat in an order and Was eating their samosas.

"Hey, bubs. Do you need anything?" I asked the 4. They looked at me and Chuckled.

"No, daddy. Thank you." He said and I smiled. They gave me a kiss on my cheek and my cheek was occupied with sauce. Eek!

"Bye, bubs. Call me, if you need anything." I said and they nodded. I went to Sejal and saw her talking to her friends. I went and joined with them.

"Hey! I've a plan," Maya said and we all looked at her with curiosity. "Just look at Ayan and Priyansha," She said and we all looked at them. Ayan and priyansha were looking cozy and ayan was wiping her mouth, which was covered with Ice-cream.

"Aww." Nithya cooed and we all chuckled. "Now what?"

"I'm sure, when these two will grown up, will definitely fall in love. And we, being cool parents, obviously accept it." Arush said and we all nodded. I looked at Sejal and saw she was actually looking at me.

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