》2• I don't believe you

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"The best apology is; Changed behaviour."


S e j a l 's  P o v

It's been really Akward between him and me.

I'm feeling guilty for what I've done. Damm! But, he's cute. . .

"Let's go." Maya said, wiping her mouth with the tissue. Everybody nodded but me.

"Guys. . . You go." I said and everyone looked at me, 'Are you nuts?', "I actually really . . . Want to wait for someone."

"Whaaaaat?" Riya asked and I rolled my eyes, "I'm serious sej. Who's the someone?"

"Yeah, Sejal. We've a flight to catch remember?" Nithya said and I nodded.

"Please Nithya. I really feel guilty. I need to apologise. And, Pretty please with cherry on top?" I asked with my puppy eyes.

"Ok, Then. You need to be There in Canada before 1 week. Did you got that?" Maya said and for which I nodded. Nithya, Maya and riya hugged me and they left.

I bid them bye and stood infront of the cafè, waiting for him to come.

After some 10 minutes, He came out. He was walking away from me. But suddenly, stood in his path and came back.

"Sorry . . . Saw you just now. Btw, What are you doing here?" He asked me, As his eyes twinkled with some confusion.

"Umm . . . Waiting for a friend." I replied, chewing the inside part of my cheek.

"Did he/she here, yet?" He asked, With lots of concern in his tone.



"Standing infront of me." I smiled and His eyebrows knit in confusion.

"Ooh . . . When did We became friends?" He asked. My smile dropped. "Arrey. . . Just joking, baba. So, What do you wanna . . . Umm . . . Talk?"

"Actually, really sorry for what I did. I really didn't meant it yaar." I breathed out, Covering my eyes with my palms. I closed my eyes.

He removed my hand from my eyes and lifted my chin up to my his eyes.

"Hey, It's completely fine. Just don't stress." He replied and I nodded.

"Thank you. Can you drop me in my hotel?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck.

"Sure." He started to go near the parking lot. He went near A Harley Davidson bike and came near me. I got into the bike and we drove to his house.

He parked his bike infront of A breathtaking mansion. The Cremè Gates open up automatically and We entered Inside.

Wait! Why are we here, Anyway? We should get going to his small apartment. Isn't it?

We both get down simultaneously. And the bike started to fell on the ground.

"Wait! First, I'll get down. Then you." I stated as I got down and he does the same.

"Ok. Let's go." He said.

"I guess we've come to an wrong adress." I said, confused. He just smiled at me and shooked his head.

"No, Madam. We've come to an right place. And it's my place." He replied, smiling at me.

"WHAT THE FRUITS?" I yelled at him and he stood there laughing.

"Yeah." He said and dragged me inside, as he held my  shoulders.

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐅𝐄 | Varshra ✓ Where stories live. Discover now