》17• Just 3 more days!

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of all hearts, I've ever loved, yours is the one that makes me smile.❞

S e j a l  P o v

At the last line, he said, I just wanna kiss the hell out of him. But, I couldn't.

I don't want those regrets and Akwardness, which will form after the kiss.

Resisting myself and at his words, I looked at the beautiful sky tonight.

After a while, The ferry's wheel got its problem done and we got down.

We walked, our fingers intertwined, I felt like a teen love. I smiled. Exhausted by this day, we pulled ourself through the gates.

We both got in the car. Neither of us are speaking. It was calm and soothing silence.

The slow song, playing in the background and I sat there, Enjoying it.


"Sejal. We are here." Nishanth whispered in my ear and I got up from my sleep.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and got down from his car. We stood awkwardly, infront of each other.

"Well... Thanks for this day, Nishanth. I really enjoyed." I said.

"Well... Thanks you too. Today I too enjoyed it." He said and leaned to my cheek. Placing a small kiss on the side of my lips, he back off. A low sigh escaped from my lips.

After we hugged each other, He left to his car, waving me and drove off.


The next day came quickly and I was excited to spent the 2nd day with him.

I quickly got ready in a red frock which ended till my knees. I curled the bottom part of my hair and added a red lipstick and Mascara to My lips and Lashes.

Wearing my red pumps, I got down after taking my mobile and wallet.

As usual, Nishanth was ready with his car and was carrying his killer looks.

"Hey, beautiful!" He said and I smiled, widely to him.

"Hey, Handsome!" I stated back to him and he hugged me.

"I'm gonna miss you, So much!" He whispered. I nodded.

"We've 3 days more!" I said and he nodded. "Where are going today?"

"It's a surprise!" He said. I pouted. "Acha fine. We're gonna meet my parents. Is it okay for you? If not, I can change the plans."

"Hey. I've never met your parents. I'm glad I'm at least meeting them!"

"Oh, God! My mom's very excited to meet you!" He said. I smiled.

It was some 30 Minutes ride from here. We stood near a house, which was looking like some sought of mansion, But it's very calm.

We both got down and went inside. I saw his parents were standing there.

His mom, Neha was an great author. I quickly went near her and squealed.

"Mam! It was my dream to meet you. I absolutely love your books. Ah!"

"Oh, come on, Sejal. Thank you, dear. Call me Aunty! I don't mind." Neha aunty/mam said.

"Come on, everybody. I'm starving." His dad, Mr. Rathore said.

Everyone sat on the dinning chairs and Served the dishes ourselves.

"I heard your getting married, Sejal!?" Mr. Rathore asked. I nodded.

"Yes, sir. Umm... with my childhood best friend. You guys should definitely come." I said, eating Rajma chawal  [Kidney beans rice].

"We'll surely come." They said. I nodded and smiled at them.

After our lunch, Everyone talked, we played charades and many more.

It was already some 5. Me, Nishanth were walking through the garden. It was time for the sunset.

We both settled on the grass and kept looking at the sunset.

"Thank you so much for today, Nishanth. I really loved your parents. Mostly, Neha Aunty. I can't believe I've met my inspiration." I said.

"Well... When are you gonna publish your draft?" He asked.

I've been writing a draft about me and Nishanth. Well, he don't know about it.

I didn't gave any name for the draft.

"Soon. Will see."

He nodded and I rested my head on his shoulder and watched the sunset.

And the rest of my life.


Author's note:

Hey everyone!

Hope you like this chapter ! I know it's a shitty chapter. Well, I'm not getting a proper WiFi connection and that's why I wrote really fast.

Avoid grammatical errors! :)

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'~' Jafreen

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