》9• Day becomes happier when your around! part -2

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Being happy is not important. Keeping others happy, is important.

S e j a l  P o v

The sunrise was amazing. Today's lit. That's what people say. When your around the people, you love, the life becomes easy in your hard times.

I smiled, looking at my beside person, who's smiling like a baby, when they get candy.

"This is amazing, isn't it?" He asked me, squeezing my hand, "With you."

"Yeah, with you. Always." I said. The spark in both of our eyes, said me.

I love him.

Yes. I do.

I've nothing to decline. I do.

"Hey. What's wrong?" He asked, cupping my cheek.

"Nothing." I said.

"Hey.. forget to said you," He said, Taking out his mobile, "She's Priyanka."

By now, we've sat on the sand shore. The sand was stuck to our feet.

"Who's she? Your cousin? Or sister?" My possessive side, was coming out.

"Don't tell to her. She'll kill you. She's my girlfriend. I thought to say yesterday, But I didn't. She became my my girlfriend day before yesterday." He said, Grinning at the photo.

What the actual fuck?

"Oh." I said, tears forming in my eyes, "How? I mean how did she became?"

"She was my Crush in the university," He said, straching the back of his neck, "But, The twist was, she use to have crush on me. She was the popular girl in the university. And we met day before yesterday at the Mall. We ate lunch there and she confessed." He stressed the word, confessed.

"So along with her, you did?" My voice got broked. I couldn't speak.

"Yeah. Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm good. Where is she?" I asked, turning other side and wiping my tears.

"She's in Paris, now. She's a model you know. I knew, she'd be famous one day." He said and I smiled.

"Oh. Cool." I said and faked a smile.

"Let's go for lunch. What say?" He asked.

"Ok. Let's rock in McDonald's. I'm craving for Kebab," I said, getting up and dusting the Sand on my dress.

"Hey. You should definitely meet her. She loves meeting New people. Her birthday's coming. I wanna gift her a dress and propose her for the marriage. Can you design a Long frock for her. Please?" He asked with the puppy eyes.

"No problem. I'd. When's her b'day?" I asked, Putting my seat belt.

"FEBUARY 18TH," He said. I gasped.

"What? My birthday is also on the same day, Nishanth," I whispered.

"HOLY FUCK! Now what should I do?" He asked me.

"We'll celebrate 19th. Only you and me. OK? Lunch?" I said.

"Yes. No problem," He said driving the McDonald's.

Little did you know, it's not fine with me, Nish.

We drove to McDonald's and ordered Chicken Kebab, Chicken burger, coke and Chocolate mouse.


After the lunch, We went to shopping. He bought a diamond ring with written, "Love" on it.

I saw gold, ruby chandbalis. It'd go by my Saree for my birthday. Yeah, Mom and dad gifted me to my birthday.

That cost was too much. I didn't buy and it's already dark. So, we Decided to give it a Off.

Sitting on the shore, We enjoyed the stars, with the Waves washing Over the sand.



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Hey peeps!

So basically, it's a cliff-hanger😂😂😂

LOL :p

Let's see what happens😋😋

Stay tuned. Don't forget to




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