》18• I love you!!

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we fall in love with the people, we can't have.

N i s h a n t h  P o v

So, let me just say. I don't want her marraige to happen. That to with that guy. Whoever, I don't care.

Getting up from my bed, I Went to washroom, brushed and took a hot shower.

Coming out, I wore my casual outfit of grey T-shirt and blue jeans. Taking my wallet, mobile and Keys I rushed out of my house to her's.

"Hey, Sorry. Got late." I said, Holding my ears and shooting her a grin. A fake one though.

"It's fine," She brushed it off and sat in my car. She didn't smiled nor gave me a comeback.

"What happened, Sejal?" I asked, starting the engine. Tears rolled on her cheeks. I stopped the car and cupped her cheek. "Hey why are you crying?"

"I need to go today. In the evening at 5. I don't want to go today." She said, Placing her head in between her hands. My eyes widened.

Why the fuck, she needs to go today? Why can't that karthik wait?

"Shh... No problem, Baby. Everything's gonna be fine. We've many hours right? Let's spend today. Chalo, now, don't cry." I said, wiping her tears. She looked at me and threw me a weak smile.

Starting the engine, I took her to aquarium. She loves fishes.

"Hey! Thank you, Nish." She said, getting down from the car and we both entered Inside.

The aquarium is filled with many fishes. We both moved forward. Suddenly, Sejal, squealed.


"Hein?" I asked and she dragged me near two fishes, which is dark blue colour and another orange colour which has white stripes.

"Well... you don't know, nemo and Dori?" She asked. I shooked my head. "How can you not know, Nish? Finding Nemo is the best animated movie!"

"Fine, baba. I don't know, who are they. Let's see more," I insisted. She shrugged and we moved forward.

Time really, flew fast.

The time is 1:00. And we've 2 hours with us. Airport is 2 hours from Sejal's house. She need to get her Suitcase from her house.

"I'm starving, Nish." Sejal said, drinking her coke. We've came to swimming pool now.

"You want swimming or food?" I asked. Her eyes widened. It's hard to choose.

"You rudie. You meanie. Fine, half an hour, swimming. Ok?" I nodded at her.

We got in our swim suits and jumped into the pool. Splashing at each other, swimming, And many more. We kept our shades and sat on the chair.

After drying ourselves, we got into our dresses. This hotel, have best food and room service.

We both got into restraunt in this hotel. Pulling a chair for her, she sat, smiling at me.

"Thank you, gentleman." She said and I smiled.

"Welcome, my ladý." I said and tbh, it affected me, calling her mine. She's not even me.

"Sir and mam, today, I'll be your waiter. What would you order?" Waiter asked.

"Umm... we'd go with wine. We'll order later." Sejal said and I nodded.

"I'll be right back, with your drinks." He said. We nodded. Sejal looked at me.

"Well.. I'm gonna miss you. Maybe, we'll meet often. Karthik will allow me though." She said, drinking water. "And Shaadi mein zaroor aana."

"Yeah. Well... I'm gonna miss our fights, talks and everything. And, I love you."

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

I shouldn't have said that. Holy Shit!

"W-what? You l-love me?" She asked. I nodded, absent mindely.

"I do, Sejal. I do."

"Your late, Nishanth. Your fucking late. I'm gonna get fucking married, Rathore. How could you!?" She asked me. I nodded. "And what about, Priyanka? She's a nice girl, who would never thought you cheated on her."

"I broke up with her, Sejal. For you." I said and her eyes widened.

"You did a mistake, Nishanth Rathore." She said. I nodded. Our orders came and we ate in silence. Glad, that she didn't left.

After our lunch, We went to her house. She got the luggage from her room and kept in the Trunck of the car.

In the silence, I reach the airport and she kept the luggage in the trolley and looked at me. Her features softened. She hugged me.

"I'm gonna miss you, lots, Nishanth. I'm gonna miss you, lots and I love you."


Author's note:


Aha! What a cliff-hanger ! Let's see what happens!!!

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Love you all! x

Last 2nd chapter! 😭😭

Bye, Bye!

                   ~Jafreen :)

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