》19• Arrival!

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Hey, people!
This chapter is gonna be very short. . And the next chapter gonna be very  long.

Don't mind ! Sorry! x

My heart is yours; Forever loving; Forever beating; Forever breaking you.

S e j a l  P o v

I've been exhausted when I came to gujarat. Changing flights, starving. Urgh!

I took my luggage from the luggage collecting area and came to exit. I saw my cousin brother, Abhishek, Waiting for me. A smile formed on my lips.

I quickly went and hugged my brother.

"BHAIIIII! I MISSED YOU!" I said and he chuckled.

"I missed you too, bacha [baby]. Chalo. Let's go!" He said and he kept my luggage in the trunk.

"How's your new York?" He asked, and suddenly Nishanth popped in my mind.

"Amazing and dreadful. ." I said and he looked at me. I smiled. "I meant. . Journey!"

"Ohh. ." He said and I nodded.

After a while, we reached my house. Ah! I missed my home.

"You can lie to me, Sejal. Don't lie yourself." Bhai said and My eyes widened.

I went inside and hugged my mom, dad and everybody. I didn't saw karthik anywhere.

Shrugging, I went inside my room and dropped my bag on the table and Went to hot shower. Wearing my night clothes, I slept on my bed. Damm, this jet lag.

"Sejal, Sejal..." I heard someone calling my name and I woke up. I saw, Divyanka, My cousin sat on my bed.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Karthik Jiju. . Came." She said and I groaned.

"Umm... I'm having jet lag, Divya. I'll talk with him later. Tell him na." I said and she nodded.

I went to my washroom and washed my face. Wiping my the water, I sat on my bed and Opened whatsapp.


Sej. Me, Riya, Nithya are coming tomorrow. With aditi. We thought to come today. . But, flight tickets weren't there.


Thank, Maya. I'm waiting. Come fast. I just wanna meet you all, soon.


Ok, Baby. Take rest. Bye. Love you, tons! <3


Bye, Baby! x

Closing my whatsapp, I started reading "Turtles all the way down" By John greene and saw my phone ringing. I groaned.

Nishanth is calling...

I cut the call and continued reading.

Nishanth is calling...

Another time, I cut the call and Switched off my phone. Closing the book, I went to my terrace. The cool breeze, green trees and amazing view of gujarat.

Whenever I'm sad or angry or happy, I come here. Terrace. Oh, God!

Going to my room, I started listening to the songs.

After sometime, I went down and saw karthik and Shruti eating their dinner. I sat beside them, without even talking a word and ate my dinner.


Author's note:


It's a short shitty chapter.

Next is gonna be very, very, very, very long! {Contains 5 segments}

- Jafreen

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