Chapter 5 - This is basic training

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"Don't leave your side open!"

In tandem with the unforgiving angry voice, my wooden sword was knocked out of my hands. My sparring partner Gunther, would not go easy on me at all. While holding my wrist which was numb from the shock still, I thanked him politely.

Rashiok has grown to the point where it's fine even if I'm not watching him at all times anymore, it's now late summer. The barracks being built for the domain's troops next to the Mansion of Golden Hills has been completed, Earl Terejia had organized the troops he had hired along with the original soldiers from my domain here. It's quite some building they've finished here...... It feels like just not long ago I was still watching its construction from my window.

Right after the troops moved into the barracks, for some reason the earl had me start learning martial arts. In order to drill the foundations of how to use the sword and spear into me, a three month soldier in training course (for a noble) has been prepared especially for me.

But really, I'm supposed to be a girl. I'm wondering if Earl Terejia has perhaps happened to forget my gender.

It's probably a standard part of noble education so there's nothing strange about this. There's no problem with this, but...... A different problem is that I feel like my life may be in danger now.

After I thought about it for a bit, I decided to do it.

This barracks was decided upon in order to allow the Cardia domain's troops to stay here at all times. Since it's the Cardia domain's troops, of course they were mostly my domain's people. Meaning, among them were still people that hated my father's blood to the point of wanting to boil him alive. Of course, they would include me in their targets to hate as well. They hate me simply because of my heritage...... Those kinds of uncouth fellows.

I went out from the mansion for the first time. For grave crimes, the place where you would get quartered became my first memory of a place I visited outside the mansion, so I wondered if there was such a thing as karma, just how bad my karma would be currently.

Something even worse, is that more than half of my domain's troops were originally bandits. I wonder if I'll really make it to the end of my three month training alive.

At least Kamil and Rashiok are with me as well as my caretaker and pet but, if I'm spoiled too much by Kamil it'll probably cause my head to be separated from my body soon down the road, so I hurriedly dragged out my skills for self sufficiency from my previous life that I had almost forgotten by now after reincarnating.

"March ten laps around here, and don't you dare slack off!"


"Do you remember how many times I've said it already, use your voice from the stomach when you reply!"

"Yes! I'm sorry!"

The jeers finally stopped after a while, well it could be worse.

I had always been confined to a gilded cage and raised delicately until now, but this training to me caused me to throw up every night and become completely covered in sweat and sand and mud, although it's difficult to describe completely with just words.

Although my breakfast and light meal for lunch were properly prepared for me by the troops, at night I was supposed to provide for myself. It seems to be common training for improving survival ability while on the battleground.

Night in the Cardia domain is long for lower-ranked soldiers that don't even get candles. Since I'm also throwing up my food during training, at night my hunger would never, never end, but because my own weakness is the cause, I desperately searched for anything edible at all that I could gather. In my previous life I never wanted for food, and in this life I was born and raised in a noble family that didn't lack resources either, so I've never known until now just how painful an empty stomach could be.

I Reincarnated as a Noble Girl Villainess But Why Did It Turn Out This Way?Where stories live. Discover now